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16–20 Oct 2017
KEK Building K03
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Globus Online services HPSS

17 Oct 2017, 14:30
Seminar Hall (KEK Building K03)

Seminar Hall

KEK Building K03


Guangwei Che (BNL)


Globus Online is a powerful, reliable, and secure file transfer service with the underlying technology of GridFTP. A simple web interface lets users select the source and destination endpoints and the data movement directions as user’s will. Globus Online supports variety of storage formats. With specific designed HPSS Data Storage Interface (DSI) module, it can move data between disk and HPSS storage, as well as between different HPSS storage through the network. This presentation will provide a user case Proof of Concept, using Globus Online as a HPSS client interface to transfer data crossing multi endpoints on the ESnet test facilities.

Presentation materials