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16–20 Oct 2017
KEK Building K03
Asia/Tokyo timezone

HSI/HTAR Support Transition Update

16 Oct 2017, 16:30
Seminar Hall (KEK Building K03)

Seminar Hall

KEK Building K03


Nicholas Balthaser (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab/NERSC)


LBNL/NERSC has entered into a transitional support agreement with Gleicher Enterprises, LLC, on behalf of the HPSS Collaboration, to provide continued user support for HSI and HTAR. This talk will give an overview of the transitional HSI/HTAR support model. Topics include a description of the current agreement with LBNL/NERSC, how to get HSI/HTAR support under this agreement, and terms of the proposed HSI/HTAR support transition to the HPSS TC.

Presentation materials