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Workshop on hadronic vacuum polarization contributions to muon g-2

Kobayashi Hall (Kenkyu Honkan Bldg., KEK Tsukuba campus)

Kobayashi Hall

Kenkyu Honkan Bldg., KEK Tsukuba campus

1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, JAPAN

The aim of this workshop is to gather those people who are interested in the field and discuss recent progress, focusing mainly on the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution, which is the source of the largest uncertainties in the SM prediction for the muon g-2, and its closely related areas.

See detail in the workshop website.


  • Aaron Meyer
  • Aida El-Khadra
  • Alex Keshavarzi
  • Andreas Juettner
  • Antoine Gerardin
  • Bogdan Malaescu
  • Boris Shwartz
  • Bradley Lee Roberts
  • Brian Colquhoun
  • Christoph Florian Redmer
  • Christoph Lehner
  • Daisuke Nomura
  • Davide Giusti
  • Doyoun Kim
  • Eigo Shintani
  • Friedrich Jegerlehner
  • Georg von Hippel
  • Georgiy Razuvaev
  • Henryk Czyz
  • Hiromasa Yasuda
  • Hiromi Iinuma
  • Ivan Logashenko
  • J Tobias Tsang
  • J. Michael Roney
  • Johan Bijnens
  • Katsuhiko Ishida
  • Kazuhito Suzuki
  • Kim Maltman
  • Kohtaroh Miura
  • Koichiro Shimomura
  • Korneliy Todyshev
  • Laura Zani
  • Laurent Lellouch
  • Lawrence Gibbons
  • Maarten Golterman
  • Makiko Nio
  • Marina Krstic Marinkovic
  • Martin Hoferichter
  • Massimo Passera
  • Mattia Bruno
  • Maurice Benayoun
  • Michel Davier
  • Naohito Saito
  • Phillip Urquijo
  • Sadaharu Uehara
  • santiago peris
  • Sergey Serednyakov
  • Shohei NISHIDA
  • Shoji Hashimoto
  • Simon Eidelman
  • Sirui Li
  • Steven Gottlieb
  • Sudeshna Ganguly
  • Takashi Kaneko
  • Takashi Yamanaka
  • Takayuki YAMAZAKI
  • Taku Izubuchi
  • Thomas Teubner
  • Toru Iijima
  • Tsutomu Mibe
  • Umberto Tamponi
  • Yasumichi Aoki
  • Yosuke Maeda
  • Yubo Li
  • Yuga Nakazawa
  • Yutaro Sato
The agenda of this meeting is empty