Beyond the LHC: physics goals and CERN's plans for future colliders

16 Feb 2018, 14:35
Building 3 1F, Seminar Hall (KEK)

Building 3 1F, Seminar Hall


1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801, Japan


Michelangelo Mangano (CERN)


The LHC performance continues to exceed expectations, and the experiments are entering a new high-statistics phase for their studies. The projections for the ultimate physics output of the LHC are being updated, and new plans are being drawn for next steps, with scenarios ranging from an energy upgrade of the LHC, to the construction of a new 100km circular collider facility. I will review the physics motivations that justify these future plans, and the status of the project definition.

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