4–7 Aug 2020
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Hadronic light-by-light contribution to (g2)μ near the SU(3)-flavor-symmetric point

5 Aug 2020, 14:20


Hadron Structure Hadron Structure


En-Hung Chao (*) (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)


Understanding the tension between the Standard Model prediction and the experimental results on the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (a_\mu) has been an active research field over the past two decades. The theoretical uncertainty mainly comes from the hadronic contributions, among which the hadronic light-by-light scattering (aμhlbl) process plays an important role. We investigate this contribution on the lattice with a position-space approach. In our setup, we treat separately the QED part in the continuum and infinite volume and the QCD part on the lattice, which helps to avoid finite-size effects due to the photon in finite-volume. However, noticeable finite-size effects due to long-distance physics still persist in our approach. In our recent work [arXiv:2006.16224], we have performed computations of aμhlbl on the lattice with Nf=3 ensembles having degenerate light and strange quark masses. Our results have satisfactory statistical errors and allow us to concentrate on our strategy to control the finite-size effects using the pion-exchange contribution. The extension of our setup to include non flavor-symmetric ensembles does not require much effort, thanks to the pre-computed single-propagator trace in position space shared among other Mainz projects. Our work in progress toward the physical point will be briefly reported, with focus on the Wick-contraction topologies that vanish at the flavor-symmetric point.

Primary author

En-Hung Chao (*) (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)


Presentation materials