Aug 4 – 7, 2020
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Parton distribution functions of $\Delta^+$ on the lattice

Aug 7, 2020, 5:40 PM


Hadron Structure Hadron Structure


Yuan Li (*) (Peking University)


We perform a first calculation for the unpolarized parton distribution function of the $\Delta^+$ baryon using lattice QCD simulations within the framework of Large Momentum Effective Theory. Two ensembles of $N_f=2+1+1$ twisted mass fermions are utilized with a pion mass of 270 MeV and 360 MeV, respectively. The baryon, which is treated as a stable single-particle state, is boosted with momentum $P_3$ with values $\{0.42,0.83,1.25\}$ GeV, and we utilize momentum smearing to improve the signal. The unpolarized parton distribution function of $\Delta^+$ is obtained using a non-perturbative renormalization and a one-loop formula for the matching, with encouraging precision. In particular, we compute the $\overline{d}(x)-\overline{u}(x)$ asymmetry and compare it with the same quantity in the nucleon, in a first attempt towards resolving the physical mechanism responsible for generating such asymmetry.

Primary author

Yuan Li (*) (Peking University)


Presentation materials