February 25, 2021 to March 3, 2021
Asia/Tokyo timezone

12-18 December 2020

25 February 2021 to 3 March 2021 (New school date!)

This is the 3rd international school on Beam Dynamics and Accelerator Technology.  Particle accelerator has been a powerful thrust on scientific studies. The accelerator was used solely for nuclear and particle physics for the first several decades, but the usage was spread out to wider fields soon. That includes not only other physics field such as material physics, but also chemistry, biology, and many applications. Due to the wide variety of the accelerator usage, there is a strong demand for accelerator physicist and engineer from academic and industrial sectors. On the other hand, opportunity to study foundations of accelerator which include beam dynamics, accelerator design, key technologies, is very limited. The school curriculum is composed from two parts. The first part provides the opportunity to study foundations and the latest status of the beam dynamics and accelerator technology. The second part is Hands-on training for particle accelerator simulation. Because the accelerator simulation is a powerful tool to design the modern accelerator, it is an important skill for young researchers. The school can be a gateway entering further advanced studies on the accelerator for graduate students and young researchers in Asian region. Hiroshima university is one of the few universities in Japan which has the graduate school for accelerator study;  Beam physics and accelerator group in Graduate school for Advanced sciences and technology, and HiSOR light source group have PhD courses with accelerator physics and technology. It is our honor having the 3rd International school on Beam Dynamics and Accelerator Technology in Hiroshima.

Currently, we plan to have ISBA20 physically present, but it could be held remotely if the travel restriction by COVID-19 disease was not terminated before ISBA20. The school date is now moved to 25 Feb. – 3 March 2021 to improve the possibility of the real school.

The subjects are:

The first part: Accelerator foundation

•    Accelerator in Modern Science
•    Foundation of Beam dynamics
•    Foundation of Synchrotron and storage ring
•    Foundation of Linear Accelerator
•    Particle Generation (electron, positron, and ion)
•    Foundation of RF technology and NC Accelerator
•    Super Conducting Technology for Accelerator
•    Foundation of Colliders
•    Foundation of SR facility
•    Foundation of FEL
•    Additional topics of accelerator sciences

The second part: Hands on training

•    Introduction of particle accelerator simulation.
•    Tutorial of particle accelerator simulation.
•    Student exercise to design a particle accelerator.
•    Summary presentations by students.


Secretary Staff  (VISA, Travel, Lodging, Dietary request, etc)
E-Mail: isba20@ml.post.kek.jp

Masao KURIKI, School Organizer (Organization, Curriculum, etc)
E-Mail: mkuriki@hiroshima-u.ac.jp 
Tel: +81-82-424-7035

Aryshev ALEXANDER, Vice School Organizer (Organization, Curriculum, etc)
E-Mail: alar@post.kek.jp 

https://zoom.us/j/98060180941?pwd=bWhlM1FOUlRVSWM0Y1VrUUpaaUo4QT09 Meeting ID: 980 6018 0941 Passcode: 210303