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7–9 Dec 2021
Online (Zoom)
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Signature change of the space-time in the type IIB matrix model

9 Dec 2021, 16:40
Online (Zoom)

Online (Zoom)

The necessary information (links, IDs, and passcodes) will be sent to the participants by E-mail before the workshop starts.


Dr Kohta Hatakeyama (KEK)


We perform numerical studies of the type IIB matrix model, which was proposed as a
nonperturbative formulation of superstring theory in 1996. In our study, we apply the
complex Langevin method in order to overcome the sign problem, which occurs in Monte
Carlo simulations. In particular, we investigate a scenario on how the signature of space-time
could be determined dynamically in this model and discuss the possibility of the emergence
of the (3+1)D expanding universe.

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