16 May 2022
KEK 3rd Building Seminar Hall and Zoom
Asia/Tokyo timezone

(English version follows.)
Bファクトリー物理勉強会 第25回ミーティング

日時 2022年5月16日(月)13:00-

場所 高エネルギー加速器研究機構 3号館 セミナーホール、及び、Zoomによるハイブリッド開催

SuperKEKB/Belle IIでは、2030年代初頭までにKEKB/Belleの50倍の積分ルミノシティー

これまでに、SuperKEKB 加速器は世界最高のルミノシティ 3.8x10^34/cm2/s を記録し、
Belle II 実験は 350 /fb のデータを取得しました。そのデータの一部を用いた解析が
Moriond 会議で発表されています。


Eiasha Waheed (KEK)     "Measurement of B0 -> D(*) h (h = K,pi) decays at Belle"
井黒 就平 氏 (Karlsruhe) "New 5 sigma discrepancy in hadronic B decays?"
古賀 太一朗 氏 (KEK)     "Summary on (semi)leptonic analyses at Moriond 2022"
住澤 一高 氏 (KEK)       "Summary on time dependent analyses and related topics at Moriond 2022"



理論: 遠藤基、大野木哲也、岡田安弘、金児隆志、清裕一郎、後藤亨、
実験: 石川明正、後田裕、西田昌平、早坂圭司、樋口岳雄


25th meeting on physics at B factories

Date:  May 16 (Mon) 2022, 13:00-

Place: hybrid format: KEK, 3rd Building, Seminar Hall, and by Zoom

The main purpose of SuperKEKB/Belle II is to search for new physics
beyond the Standard Model through B, D and tau decays by accumulating
50 times more data than KEKB/Belle by the early 2030's.
It also aims to directly search for dark-sector and axion-like particles
by taking advantage of high luminosity e+e- collider experiments.

SuperKEKB reached the world's highest luminosity 3.8 x 10^34 /cm2/s
and Belle II has recorded the data sample of 350 /fb, so far.
Analyses using a part of the data was presented at the Moriond conference.

This series of meetings aims to provide opportunities, where theorists
and experimentalists get together and closely discuss physics at B factories.
In this 25th meeting, we will have the following invited talks:

Syuhei Iguro (Karlsruhe) "New 5 sigma discrepancy in hadronic B decays?"
Taichiro Koga (KEK)      "Summary on (semi)leptonic analyses at Moriond 2022"
Kazutaka Sumisawa (KEK)  "Summary on time dependent analyses and related topics at Moriond 2022"
Eiasha Waheed (KEK)      "Measurement of B0 -> D(*) h (h = K,pi) decays at Belle"

The working language is English, and non-Japanese participants are very welcome! The meeting will be held in a hybrid format at a seminar hall at KEK and by Zoom. Please register from "Registration" in the left menu by May 11 (Wed). After the deadline, the Zoom connection information will be sent to the participants by email.

Th:  M. Endo, T. Goto, J. Hisano, T. Kaneko, Y. Kiyo, S. Mishima, T. Morozumi,
     M. Nojiri, Y. Okada, T. Onogi, M. Tanaka, M. Tanimoto, K. Yamamoto
Exp: K. Hayasaka, T. Higuchi, A. Ishikawa, S. Nishida, Y. Ushiroda


KEK 3rd Building Seminar Hall and Zoom
Registration for this event is currently open.