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7–9 Dec 2022
Online (Zoom)
Asia/Tokyo timezone

6d Seiberg-Witten curves for E-string and Little string theories from 5-brane webs

9 Dec 2022, 14:20
Online (Zoom)

Online (Zoom)

The necessary information (links, IDs, and passcodes) will be sent to the participants by E-mail before the workshop starts.


Dr Yuji Sugimoto (POSTECH)


We propose a systematic way of obtaining 6d Seiberg-Witten curves from Type IIB 5-brane webs with or without orientifold planes, by generalizing the construction of 5d Seiberg-Witten curves from 5-brane webs. We apply our construction to two kinds of theories: 6d E-string theory and little string theory. In particular, the expression of Seiberg-Witten curve for the E-string theory drastically reduces compared with Eguchi-Sakia's curves. The Seiberg-Witten curve for little string theory that we consider is consistent with the known result. Furthermore, we discuss some other possibilities which may define different little string theories.

Primary author

Dr Yuji Sugimoto (POSTECH)

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