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28th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting

Hokkaido University

Hokkaido University

Frontier Research in Applied Science Building
Takashi Sasaki (KEK)

We are pleased to announce that the 28th collaboration meeting will be held at Hokkaido University.

This meeting is limited to Geant4 collaborators and persons invited by the Steering Board.

Co-locate event:

Meeting Timetable

The meeting timetable is presented on the CERN Indico page.


Program Commitee

  • Marc Verderi (LLR, ex-officio)
  • Alberto Ribon (CERN, ex-officio)
  • Ben Morgan (University of Warwick)
  • Jonas Hahnfeld (CERN)
  • Alexei Sytov (INFN Ferrara)

Local Organizing Committee

  • Takashi Sasaki (KEK)
  • Koichi Murakami (KEK)
  • Shogo Okada (KEK)
  • Taeko Matsuura (Hokkaido University)
  • Chen Ye (Hokkaido University)

Platinum Sponsor