15–17 Nov 2023
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Test of 107Pd transmutation with macroscopic quantities/107Pd核変換実証試験

Not scheduled




Yasuto/泰斗 Miyake/三宅 (RIKEN Nishina Center/理化学研究所仁科加速器科学研究センター)


Palladium is one of the nuclides targeted for recycling from spent nuclear fuel. Reasonable nuclear reaction paths for 107Pd and the cross-sections for proton- and deuteron-induced spallation in inverse kinematics have been investigated [1]. However, a transmutation experiment using long-lived fission products as the target would be required for an actual system. To experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of 107Pd transmutation by deuteron irradiation under continuous irradiation with the existing azimuthally varying field (AVF) ring cyclotron at RIKEN RIBF, we conducted a test with macroscopic quantities to transmute 107Pd by deuteron beams produced by the accelerator [2].
To effectively detect the reaction products of the 107Pd + d reaction, we prepared a material with a 107Pd-concentration of almost 100\% by ion implantation. The implanted samples were irradiated for several days with deuterons produced by the AVF ring Cyclotron at RIKEN RIBF. After cooling, gamma-ray measurements of the irradiated sample were conducted. 105Pd and 106Pd produced from transmutation of 107Pd were estimated using DCHAIN. The 107Pd in the irradiated samples were measured by ICP-MS. The isotopic ratios 105Pd/107Pd and 106Pd/107Pd obtained from the experimental results were compared with those obtained by calculation using PHITS.
In this paper, an outline of the test of 107Pd transmutation with macroscopic quantities is presented and certain experimental results are reported.

[1] H. Wang et al., “Spallation reaction study for the long-lived fission product 107Pd”, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. (2017) 021D01.
[2] Y. Miyake et al., “Test of 107Pd transmutation with macroscopic quantities”, J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 59:12 (2022) pp. 1536-1545.

Primary author

Yasuto/泰斗 Miyake/三宅 (RIKEN Nishina Center/理化学研究所仁科加速器科学研究センター)


Hiroki/広樹 Okuno/奥野 (RIKEN Nishina Center/理化学研究所仁科加速器科学研究センター)

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