6–8 Nov 2024
KEK Tsukuba campus.
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Non-linear treatment of cosmological perturbations

8 Nov 2024, 11:20
Seminar Hall (KEK Tsukuba campus.)

Seminar Hall

KEK Tsukuba campus.

Bldg. 3(San-Go- Kan), 1F, K03


Danilo Artigas


Linear-perturbation theory has proven to be an extremely powerful tool to compare inflationary models with observational data. Recently, the newcoming high-precision observations call for predictions beyond linear perturbations. Such effects are known to be relevant for example in the production of primordial black holes or scalar-induced gravitational waves. The separate-universe approach proposes to capture some of these non-linearities. It describes the universe as a set of causally disconnected homogeneous and isotropic patches (FLRW). In this talk, I will show that by allowing the patches to exhibit constant curvature, the separate-universe approach can be extended to non-slow-roll models. I will discuss the case of ultra-slow roll where this new approach allows to correctly predict the power spectrum of scalar perturbations together with non-Gaussianities.

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