Jan 9 – 10, 2024
KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Asia/Tokyo timezone

We are delighted to announce that our second annual "Machine Learning at HEP workshop" will take place between 9th-10th January 2024 at High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Japan.

In the previous workshop ( KEK indico link ) , we successfully overviewed the state-of-the-art Machine Learning (ML) applications to high energy physics, and had lively discussions about the directions of ML developments in the field. The scope of this workshop is to highlight recent progresses in the state-of-the-art ML applications to high energy physics and astrophysics through several talks by world-leading researchers, and to overview the related researches progressing in Japan.

The workshop format is hybrid (in-person at KEK (strongly preferred for lively discussions) and online via zoom (possible)). Long review presentations are given by invited speakers, while a session of several contribution talks is also scheduled. Please indicate your intention to present a contribution talk on your ML-related work via the registration form by December 15th. Domestic travel and accommodation support can be provided to a limited number of presenters. If you would like to request it, please contact us via the LOC mailing list by December 15th.


Registration for participation was open at https://conference-indico.kek.jp/event/253/registrations/ , and  has been closed on December 25th. No registration fee is necessary. Application for contribution talks has been closed.

Confirmed Invited Speakers:

  • Matt Buckley (Rutgers)
  • Gregor Kasieczka (Hamburg)
  • Shiro Ikeda (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
  • François Lanusse (Flatiron Institute / CNRS)
  • Sung Hak Lim (Rutgers) 
  • Vinicius Mikuni (LBL)
  • Mariel Pettee (LBL)
  • Huilin Qu (CERN)

This workshop will be hosted co-organized by KEK WPI-QUP (International Center for Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of the Universe and Particles) and IPNS (Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies), and supported by KEK WPI-QUP, JSPS Core-to-Core Program "AI-Smart" and JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) "Machine Learning Physics".

Program organizers: Yuji Chinone (KEK), Hironao Miyatake (Nagoya U), Yu Nakahama (KEK), Mihoko Nojiri (KEK), Junichi Tanaka (U Tokyo)

Local organisers: Yuji Chinone (KEK), Daniel Jeans (KEK), Gaku Mitsuka (KEK), Kunihiro Nagano (KEK), Kodai Matsuoka (KEK), Yu Nakahama (KEK), Mihoko Nojiri (KEK)

KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Kobayashi hall
1-1 Oho, Tsukuba city, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan
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