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9–10 Jan 2024
KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Venue and access to KEK

The venue of this workshop is the Kobayashi hall, on the ground floor in the Kenkyu Honkan Building, at KEK.

The venue location:
Google map

Map inside KEK: for instance, locations of the venue, the bus stop, the cafeterias and convenience store etc.

Access to KEK:
(In English)
(In Japanese)

Timetable for the bus services between the Tsukuba station and KEK:
At the Tsukuba train station of "Tsukuba Express" TX, Exit A3 is close to the bus terminal.
The most frequent & direct bus-line is Tsuku-bus ”Hokubu-Shuttle”. The bus stop number at the Tsukuba Center bus-terminal is the number 3. The bus stop at the Tsukuba bus-terminal corresponds to "H01", and the one at the KEK entrance corresponds to "H07".

Access to the Tsukuba city:

The information on the bus from the Tokyo international airports (Narita, Haneda)
to the Tsukuba center can be found on the KEK access page;

Taking trains from the airports to the Tsukuba station is also convenient and much more frequent. There are plenty of train services, but several transfers are required. If you need help please contact us.