Discovering primordial parity violation would have profound implications for our understanding of early Universe physics and would greatly inform inflationary models. Recent evidence of cosmic parity violation in the four-point statistics of galaxy clustering is inconclusive due to uncertainty in observational systematics and covariance estimation. In this talk, I will present a new class of...
There is an approximately 2-sigma discrepancy between the S8 values measured from CMB and CMB lensing, which probe large scales, and the values measured from the weak lensing survey, which is sensitive to small scales. This discrepancy, known as the "S8 tension", can be regarded as a tension between large and small scales. These results are based on the standard LCDM model, which assumes a...
The discovery of parity violation in weak interactions dictated the structure of the standard model of particle physics. Recent hints of parity violation in the cosmic microwave background and large-scale structure of the universe make us wonder, whether parity can provide us any information about the mysteries of cosmology as well. In this talk, I will demonstrate, how primordial parity...