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The annual Theory Meeting on Particle Physics Phenomenology (KEK-­PH2018) together with the 3rd KIAS-NCTS-KEK Joint Workshop will be held at KEK between December 4 - 7, 2018. This meeting covers many topics in Particle Physics and Cosmology, from the Standard Model and models beyond the Standard Model to particle cosmology and astrophysics. We plan to discuss recent developments in modeling Physics Beyond the Standard Model with their phenomenological aspects and also learn about the latest results and status of various ongoing and planned experiments.

The meeting includes talks by invited speakers and short talks by participants. All the talks will be given in English. We aim to provide an opportunity, not only for experts but also for master/Ph.D course students, to learn recent developments in particle physics phenomenology and to activate intensive discussions. The participants will also have the opportunity to present their work through poster presentations.


Registration is open now! Deadline: October 31, 2018.

A limited amount of support for local expenses (travel within Japan and KEK dormitory expenses) is available. Unfortunately, we cannot cover International travel.

Late registration is available with no financial support. The deadline for requesting VISA letter and local support is September 30, 2018.


Invited Speakers (KEK-PH):


  • Csaba Csaki (Cornell U.)
  • Raffaele D'Agnolo (SLAC) 
  • Jose Ramon Espinosa (Barcelona)
  • Patrick Fox (Fermilab)
  • Gino Isidori (Zurich U.)
  • Joerg Jaeckel (ITP, Heidelberg)
  • Joachim Kopp (Mainz U.)
  • David McKeen (TRIUMF)
  • Maxim Pospelov (Perimeter Inst.)
  • Matthew Schwartz (Harvard U.) 


  • Toshio Namba  (Tokyo U.)
  • Yoshiyuki Onuki (Tokyo U.)
  • Kirill Prokofiev (HKUST)


Invited Speakers (KIAS-NCTS-KEK Joint workshop):


From Japan:

  • Natsumi Nagata (Tokyo U.)
  • Toshifumi Noumi (Kobe U.)
  • Motoo Suzuki (ICRR)
  • Hiromasa Takaura (Kyushu U.)


From Korea: 

  • Sang Hui Ihm (Pusan National U.)
  • Sunghoon Jung (Seoul National U.)
  • Doojin Kim (Arizona U.)
  • Jeonghan Kim (Kansas U.)
  • Minho Son (KAIST)


From Taiwan: 

  • Chuan-Ren Chen (NTNU)
  • Gang Li (NTU)
  • Kin-Wang NG (Academia Sinica)
  • Martin Spinrath (National Tsing Hua University)
  • Yue-Lin Sming Tsai (Academia Sinica)
  • Kimiko Yamashita (NTHU)





Local Organizers:

  • Amit Chakraborty                        
  • Yohei Ema
  • Motoi Endo                                  
  • Toru Goto
  • Ryuichiro Kitano                           
  • Kazunori Kohri 
  • Masafumi Kurachi 
  • Sung Hak Lim 
  • Satoshi Mishima 
  • Mihoko M. Nojiri
  • Daisuke Nomura 
  • Yutaka Sakamura
  • Yoshihiro Shigekami 
  • Takahiro Terada 
  • Daiki Ueda

External Organizers:

  • Koichi Hamaguchi (U. Tokyo)                        
  • Junji Hisano (Nagoya U.)
  • Shinya Kanemura (Osaka U.)                                  
  • Shigeki Matsumoto (Kavli IPMU)
  • Fuminobu Takahashi (Tohoku U.)                          
  • Koji Tsumura (Kyoto U.)

Organizers (KIAS-NCTS-KEK Joint workshop)


  • Pyungwon Ko (KIAS)  
  • Eung Jin Chun (KIAS)


  • Kingman Cheung (NTHU)
  • Tzu-Chiang Yuan (Academia Sinica)


The KEK-­PH 2018 winter workshop is supported by the KEK theory center research project, "BSM in high energy and high intensity frontier," and MEXT Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, "Neutrino physics and the origin of the Universe (25105011)," and "Exploration of Particle Physics and Cosmology with Neutrinos (18H05542)."
