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International workshop on non-invasive beam profile monitors for hadron machines and its related techniques: 3rd IPM workshop

Kenichirou Satou (J-PARc/KEK), Takeshi Toyama (J-PARC/KEK)
The topics of this workshop are on non-invasive profile monitors for hadron machines like IPM, gas fluorescence, gas jet, electron beam scanner, laser wire etc. as well as related issues on particle detectors (MCP, Channeltron, Silicon detector, etc.), reliability of a system, simulation code developments, etc. The topics on the detector dynamics and ageing effect would be included. We also planned to give some special lectures on these topics for young researchers and J-PARC lab-tour. The workshop will last 2.5 days; the first and second day will be devoted to the presentation talks and lectures, and the last a half day for lab-tours. The talk will be about 20 min long including discussions. If you have a plan to talk, please let me know the topics of the presentation, title, the date if you need to specify. 1, Date and place 18/9/2018~20/9/2018 (2.5 days) J-PARC Kenkyu-Tou 2F meeting room / J-PARC Center *J-PARC center located in Nuclear Science Research Institute of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) 2, Workshop Fee The workshop fee is 10000 JP yen which includes all drinks and meals at a workshop dinner and coffee breaks. There is a special discount fee for students which is 5000 yen. The workshop fee can be paid by cash during the workshop. 3, Accomodation A number of rooms had been blocked at the J-PARC Dormitory. Please visit the web-site of the dormitory through the link in the menu bar. Please note that all visitors who want to stay in the dormitory need an ID of User Support System. Please find the link to a manual of registration to the J-PARC User Supprt System. 4. User Supprt System Only the following participants need to complete a resistration to the J-PARC User Supprt System •​Applicants for financial support •​Those who plan to stay at J-PARC dormitory Please find a link to a manual of registration to the J-PARC User Supprt System. 5, Presentation You do not need to send us a presentation file before workshop, however please let us know the title of your talk until the end of August in order to determine the schedule. Please upload the presentation material on the web-site by yourself before your talk. 6, How to access J-PARC in JAEA site : Access control If you are a non-Japanease person, and you are not a J-PARC, JAEA, and KEK staff (inc. J-PARC ID holder, which is issued by J-PARC Users Office), you need an access application in advance, however we have already submited your access application to a access control desk. So please come to the JAEA main entrance before 18th 9:00. Please make sure that you need your personal ID (passport or drivers license). Please click the link "Meeting point, access control" below and check how to access JAEA every morning. 7, Lunch You can order a lunch box (Japanease style "Bento") at the reception in the morning by cash until 9:40. There is a small shop near the venue.
J-PARC User supprt system
Meeting point, access control
Photo: Group photo
Photo: Lab tour
Photo: Meeting room
Workshop Dinner: Uo-Yasu
  • Andrea De Franco
  • Atsushi Nakamura
  • Christian Boehme
  • Christoph Kurfürst
  • Dominik Vilsmeier
  • Francesca Belloni
  • Hampus Sandberg
  • Hitomi Ikeda
  • Ippei Yamada
  • jacques marroncle
  • James Storey
  • Jilei Sun
  • Junichiro KAMIYA
  • Ken Sakashita
  • Kenichirou SATOU
  • Megan Friend
  • Pei Tian
  • Randy Thurman-Keup
  • Raquel Ortega Comino
  • Son Cao
  • Takeshi Toyama
  • Yoshiaki Fujii
  • Yoshinori Sato
  • Yury Rogovsky
    • Access Procedure: ID check at the main gate of JAEA

      ID check at the main gate of JAEA

    • Reception and Welcome breakfast Meeting room

      Meeting room

      Reception and Welcome breakfast
      Light breakfast will be served

    • Welcome
    • IPM system

      Chair: Dr. James Storey

      • 1
        Resolving profile distortion for electron-based IPMs using Machine Learning
        Speaker: Mr Dominik Vilsmeier (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
      • 2
        Operational Experience with the COSY IPM and Plans for the HESR Site
        Speaker: Dr Christian Boehme (Forschungszentrum Juelich)
      • 3
        First results from the operation of an IPM based on ionisation electron detection with a Hybrid Pixel Detector (HPD)
        Speaker: Mr Hampus Sandberg (CERN/University of Manchester)
    • Lunch
    • IPM system 2

      Chair: Mr. Jacques Marroncle

      • 4
        IPM system for J-PARC MR: Magnet issues and Gated System
        Speaker: Kenichirou SATOU
      • 5
        Present Status of Non-Invasive Profile Monitors at FNAL
        Speaker: Dr Randy Thurman-Keup (FNAL)
      • 6
        Current Status & Plans for Ionisation Profile Monitors at CERN
        Speaker: Dr James Storey (CERN)
    • Coffee Break
    • Simulation codes

      Chair: Dr. Randy Thurman-Keup

      • 7
        From IPM to BIF to e-Lens simulations - Recent advancements in simulation code development
        Speaker: Mr Dominik Vilsmeier (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research)
      • 8
        Space Charge Effects Studies for the ESS Cold Linac Beam Profiler
        Five Ionization Profile Monitors are being built by CEA in the framework of the in-kind contribution agreement signed with ESS. The IPMs will be installed in the Cold Linac where the proton energy range they need to cover extends from 90 MeV to 2 GeV. trajectories of the ionized molecules and electrons created by the passage of the beam through the residual gas. In order to quantify and to develop a correction algorithm for these space charge effects, a code was initiated  at ESS and completed at CEA Saclay with the possibility to include real case electric fields calculated with Comsol Multiphysics. A general overview of the code and its preliminary results are presented here.
        Speaker: Dr Francesca Belloni (CEA Saclay)
    • Morning discussion: Breakfast Meeting room

      Meeting room

      A light Breakfast will be served

    • Beam Induced Fluorescence Monitors and the other monitors

      Chair: Dr. Takeshi Toyama

      • 9
        J-PARC Primary Beamline Beam Induced Fluorescence Profile Monitor R&D
        Speaker: Dr Megan Friend (KEK)
      • 10
        Non-destructive 2-D beam profile monitor using gas sheet in J-PARC
        Speaker: Dr Junichiro Kamiya (JAEA)
      • 11
        Development of a Gas Distribution Measuring System for 2-D Beam Profile Monitor Using Gas Sheet
        Speaker: Mr Ippei Yamada (Doshisha Univ.)
      • 12
        Residual Gas Ionization Profile Monitors in J-PARC
        Speaker: Dr Yoshinori Sato (IPNS/KEK)
    • Lunch
    • J-PARC seminer: Detectors

      Special seminer of a electron multiplier devise, multi-channel plate (MCP).

      • 13
        MCPs and MCP based detectors
        Speaker: Dr Raquel Ortega Comino (Photonis)
    • Coffee Break
    • New Idea, New Project

      Chair: Dr. Andrea De Franco

      • 14
        Non-invasive beam position monitor research in HUST-PTF
        Speaker: Mr Jiqing Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
      • 15
        Beam instrumentation system of CSNS
        Speaker: Dr Jilei Sun (CSNS, Institute of High Energy Physics)
    • Dinner

      Uo-Yasu: Fish restaurant

    • Morning discussion: Breakfast

      A light breakfast will be served

    • J-PARC Lab-Tours