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24–26 Jun 2019
Bunkyo School Building, Tokyo Campus, University of Tsukuba
Japan timezone

Scientific Programme

The program starts on Monday, June 24, at 8:50 and ends on Wednesday, June 26, at 17:45. There are invited and selected plenary talks as well as a poster session.


  • QCD at finite temperature and density
  • QCD in external fields
  • Phase diagram of strongly interacting matter
  • Properties of Quark-Gluon Plasma
  • Heavy ion collision phenomenology
  • Neutron stars

Invited speakers:

  • Adam Bzdak (AGH UST), "Correlations and probability distributions in high-energy nuclear collisions"
  • Tyler Gorda (Virginia), "The interpolation approach to dense QCD and neutron-star phenomenology"
  • Goro Ishiki (Tsukuba), "Partial deconfinement"
  • Jinfeng Liao (Indiana), "Novel transport phenomena with chirality, vorticity and magnetic field"
  • Jun Nishimura (KEK), "Current status and perspectives of complex Langevin calculations in finite density QCD"
  • Toshihiro Nonaka (CCNU), "Studying the QCD phase diagram in RHIC-BES at STAR"
  • Arata Yamamoto (Tokyo), "Lattice with external fields and rotation"
  • Yi Yin (MIT), "The QCD critical point hunt: new dynamic framework and first simulation results"