Session 9
- Jens Oluf Andersen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Arata Yamamoto
(University of Tokyo)
6/26/19, 9:00 AM
Invited talk
Extreme environments, such as strong electromagnetic force and fast rotation, induce interesting quantum phenomena. They are relevant both for high energy experiments and for condensed matter experiments. From a theoretical point of view, we need reliable computational frameworks to investigate them. I would like to review such endeavors in lattice gauge theory.
Aleksandr Nikolaev
(Swansea University)
6/26/19, 9:45 AM
Oral talk
We examine the electric conductivity of quark-gluon plasma in the presence of external magnetic field B within LQCD formulation for few temperatures in the deconfinement phase. Ensembles are generated with dynamical staggered 2+1 quarks at physical quark masses. At first we measure the electromagnetic current-current Euclidean correlators along and perpendicular to the magnetic field, then...
Akio Tomiya
6/26/19, 10:10 AM
Oral talk
We investigate the order of phase transition in three flavor QCD with a background U(1) magnetic field using the standard staggered action with the plaquette gauge action. We perform simulations for three volumes $N_\sigma=8,16,24$ with fixed mass $ma=0.030$ and temporal extent $N_\tau=4$, which is expected to show crossover for vanishing magnetic field. We apply physically same magnitude of...