Zebin Qiu
(University of Tokyo)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
The Casimir effect is relevant for QCD physics in many contexts such as a possible origin of the dark energy, an extra pressure in the hadron bag model etc. In this talk we delve into the Casimir effect in (3+1)-dimensional Maxwell-Chern-Simons (MCS) theory aka axion electrodynamics. It is known that two bodies with reflection symmetry always have an attractive Casimir force, but this ``no-go...
Shoichiro Tsutsui
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
The complex Langevin method (CLM) is a promising approach to overcome the sign problem. Here we examine its applicability to QCD at finite density on a $24^3 \times 12$ lattice with four-flavor staggered fermions around the deconfinement phase transition line in the $(T-\mu)$-plane. While the CLM actually works at quite large values of $\mu$, it fails in the confined phase, which appears at...
Andre Veiga Giannini
(Akita International University and University of Sao Paulo)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
Starting from a running-coupling improved $k_T$-factorized formula of the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) framework, we calculate bulk observables in several heavy-ion collision systems. This is done in two ways: first the particle distribution is calculated directly as implied from the CGC model, and then it is compared to the case where it is instead used as initial conditions for a hybrid...
Masayasu Hasegawa
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
The existence of monopoles has been theoretically predicted since P. A. M. Dirac introduced the magnetic monopole in quantum mechanics. Moreover, a large number of experiments to observe monopoles have been conducted. However, monopoles have not been detected yet. The purpose of this research is to find a clue to observe QCD monopoles which closely relate to the color confinement by...
Shinji Ejiri
(Niigata University)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
We study the phase transition of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) at finite temperature and density by focusing on the probability distribution function of quark density. The phase transition of QCD is expected to change its properties as the density changes, and the probability distribution function gives important information for understanding the nature of the phase transition. The numerical...
Kazuya Mameda
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
Many-body systems with chiral fermions exhibit anomalous transport phenomena originated from quantum anomalies. Based on quantum field theory, we derive the kinetic theory for chiral fermions interacting with an external electromagnetic field and a background curved geometry. The resultant framework respects the covariance under the U(1) gauge, local Lorentz, and diffeomorphic transformations....
Kentaro Nishimura
(Keio University)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
We study anomaly-induced effects on dense QCD matter under rotation. We show that the chiral perturbation theory under rotation has the topological term that accounts for the chiral vortical effect. We find that, due to the presence of this new term, the ground state of QCD under rotation is the chiral soliton lattice (CSL) for the neutral pion or η' meson. This state is a periodic array of...
Yui Hayashi
(Chiba University)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
The analytic structures of propagators have kinematic information and are important to understand the color confinement; in particular, the existence of complex poles is a signal of confinement for the corresponding particle. We derive general relationships between the number of complex poles of a propagator and the spectral function under some assumptions on the asymptotic behaviors of the...
Akihiro Shibata
(Computing Research Center, KEK)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
Dual superconductor picture is one of the most promising scenarios for quark confinement. We have proposed a new formulation of Yang-Mills theory on the lattice so that the so-called restricted field obtained from the gauge-covariant decomposition plays the dominant role in quark confinement. This framework improves the Abelian projection in the gauge-independent manner. For quarks in the...
Shogo Nishino
(Chiba University)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
The KvBLL instantons (calorons) are extensively used to understand confinement-deconfinement phase transition in the Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature. The KvBLL instanton is a topological soliton solution of the self-dual equation of the SU(2) Yang-Mills theory on $S^1\times R^3$ space with instanton charge, which consists of BPS dyons having both electric and magnetic charges with...
Sebastian Schmalzbauer
(ITP, Goethe University)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
We investigate the QCD phase diagram close to the isospin chemical potential axis. Numerical simulations directly along this axis are not hindered by the sign problem and pion condensation can be observed at high enough values of the isospin chemical potential. The possibility of a crossover transition from this BEC phase to a BCS phase is investigated. We study how the BEC phase boundary...
Yuki Fujimoto
(The University of Tokyo)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
First-principles evaluation of the dense matter equation of state is one of the longstanding problems in QCD. Owing to the advances in neutron star observations in last decade, it is now possible to evaluate the equation of state from the observational data. As it circumvent the problems that are inherent in the theory, it may put significant constraint on the theory. Here we discuss a novel...
Shigehiro Yasui
(Keio University)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
The neutron 3P2 superfluidity is one of the interesting phases inside the neutron stars. In this presentation, we will discuss their properties based on the Ginzburg-Landau theory derived from the tensor-type interaction between two neutrons. We will show the strong magnetic effect relevant to the magnetars, the boundary effect near the surface of the neutron stars, and some related...
Daiki Suenaga
(Central China Normal University)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
We study the Landau gauge gluon propagators in dense two-color QCD at quark chemical potential. In order to take into account the non-perturbative effects in the infrared regime, we use the massive Yang-Mills theory which has successfully described the gluon and ghost propagators in the Landau gauge within the one-loop approximation measured on the lattice. We couple quarks to this theory and...
Olaf Kaczmarek
(University of Bielefeld)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
We will present recent results on thermal modifications of heavy quark spectral functions based on continuum extrapolated correlation functions in pure SU(3) plasma and discuss constraints for the heavy quark diffusion coefficients. Using the gradient flow technique for the color-electric field correlator in quenched as well as full QCD we will discuss the effects of dynamical fermions on the...
Takeru Yokota
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
In this talk, we present our functional-renormalization-group (FRG) study of the collective excitations around the chiral phase transition line. In particular, we intensively investigate the sigma-mesonic and pionic collective modes around the QCD critical point (CP) by calculating the spectral functions with the FRG. Such an FRG study gives beyond-mean-field pictures of the collective modes...
Shota Imaki
(The University of Tokyo)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
We formulate lattice field theory with dislocation. The dislocation realizes the spacetime torsion in the continuum limit. As the first application, we perform the numerical computation to analyze the generation of the current induced by the screw dislocation, which we call the “chiral torsional effect”.
Anh Quang Pham
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
An $SU(3)$ spin model is often used in the literature as a first step to deal with QCD at finite chemical potential. It approximates full lattice QCD in the strong coupling and large fermion-mass limit. We describe a series expansion method called Linked Cluster Expansion (LCE), and how to apply it to the spin model. The results are series of several couplings, which we analyze by generalized...
Matias Sappi
(University of Helsinki)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
I will present results on computing the pressure of cold and dense QCD matter to high loop orders in perturbation theory. Such high-order computations are made possible by resumming contributions from the soft degrees of freedom. In particular, I will cover the computation of the nonanalytic logarithmic terms appearing at NNNLO for $T=0$, both the leading logarithm based on a paper from 2018...
Atsushi Baba
(University of Tsukuba)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
We study the chiral susceptibility in $N_f = 2+1$ full QCD. In the
lattice gauge theory with Wilson fermion, chiral symmetry is explicitly broken. Therefore, we need a non-trivial additive correction to renormalize the chiral susceptibility. To avoid this problem, we use Gradient flow method. Gradient flow method makes us possible to define correctly renormalized chiral susceptibility without...
Noriyuki Sogabe
(Keio University)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
We study the effects of dynamical electromagnetic fields on the second-order chiral phase transition of QCD under a background magnetic field. We show that the interaction between the photon and the neutral pion through the quantum anomaly causes the type-B Nambu Goldstone (NG) mode associated with the spontaneous breaking of the generalized global symmetries. Furthermore, we find that such a...
Kevin Zambello
(University of Parma and INFN, Gruppo Collegato di Parma)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
Lefschetz thimbles regularization is an elegant way to overcome the sign problem. By integrating over thimbles, where the imaginary part of the action stays constant and can be factored out, the sign problem disappears and observables of interest may be computed by Monte Carlo simulations. Still, many examples are known so far where the correct results can only be recovered by taking into...
Gergely Fejos
(Keio University)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
We investigate via the functional renormalization group the order of the color superconducting phase transition. We calculate the flow of the gauge coupling in a 3d Ginzburg-Landau theory and investigate whether it supports the existence of infrared stable fixed points.
Hiromasa Watanabe
(University of Tsukuba)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
We argue the existence of "partially deconfined phase" in some SU(N) gauge theories, that is in between the confined and deconfined phases. We characterize this phase in terms of the Polyakov line phases and study examples of theories in which the partially deconfined phase exists. We find that this phase is closely related to the Gross-Witten-Wadia phase transition. The partially deconfined...
Enrico Rinaldi
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
We discuss new results in the BFSS matrix model and its bosonic variant.
P. Thomas Jahn
(Technische Universität Darmstadt)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
At high temperatures, the topological susceptibility of QCD becomes relevant for the properties of axion dark matter. However, the strong suppression of non-zero topological sectors causes ordinary sampling techniques to fail, since fluctuations of the topological charge can only be measured reliably if enough tunneling events between sectors occur. We present an improvement of a technique the...
Aiichi Iwazaki
(Nishogakusha University)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
We show that monopole quark interactions break flavor chiral SU(2) symmetry as well as
chiral U(1) symmetry. The interactions induce quark masses when the monopoles condense
even in the chiral limit (current quark masses vanish.) The masses are estimated to be
approximately 20MeV. Thus, the pions are not massless even in the chiral limit.
Furthermore, the presence of the interactions leads...
Zhandos Moldabekov
(Al Farabi Kazakh National University)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
Quarkonium suppression in quark-gluon plasma has been investigated since original work by Matsui and Satz [1]. This topic remains actual due to the need of quark-gluon plasma diagnostics. In fact, both quarkonium suppression in quark-gluon plasma and recombination during hadronisation remain to be key open questions [2]. The bound state of quarkonium is theoretically well investigated in the...
Hayato Aoi
(Tokyo University of Science)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
There has been recently an increasing interest for study of the chirality imbalance $n_5$, which is the difference between right- and left-handed fermions. The chirality imbalance is expected to be arised from the axial anomaly and plays a key role to understand anomalous transport phenomena in the hot/dense quark matter or the Dirac/Weyl semimetals under the magnetic field. One of interesting...
Hidefumi Matsuda
(Graduate school of science, Kyoto university)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
The created matter in the initial stage of relativistic heavy ion collisions is described well by the classical Yang-Mills(CYM) fields. It has been shown that the dynamics of the CYM fields play a significant role in the realization of an local thermal equilibrium. In this work, we expect that the CYM fields itself have hydrodynamical property such as transport coefficient in equilibrium. We...
Tomoya Hayata
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
We study the confinement between vortex strings in a 2-form gauge theory by using the lattice Monte Carlo simulation. We calculate the string-antistring potential from the surface operator of the 2-form gauge field in the abelian 2-form lattice gauge theory, which is dual of the abelian Higgs model in continuum limit. The linear confining potential appears in a confinement phase and it...
Hidetoshi Taya
(Fudan University)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
I discuss spontaneous particle production from the vacuum (the Schwinger mechanism) in the presence of a strong slow electric field superimposed by a fast weak electric field. I analytically/numerically show that a QED analog of the Franz-Keldysh effect occurs, which significantly modifies the spectrum of the produced particles. I also show that a non-trivial spin-dependence appears in the...
Semeon Valgushev
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
In the talk we discuss the sign problem and the possibility to alleviate it with the help of methods related to Lefschetz thimbles in the space of complexities field variables. In particular, we consider two-dimensional Hubbard model at finite density. We analyze the model on the square lattice combining semi-analytical study of saddle points and thimbles on a small lattice and results of test...
Alexander Maximilian Eller
(TU Darmstadt)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
Brambilla et al. have derived an effective description of quarkonium with two parameters: a momentum diffusion term which has been widely explored within the community, and a real self-energy term. We derive a relation between the self-energy term and Euclidean electric field correlators along a Polyakov line, which can directly be studied on the lattice without the need for analytical...
Kazuyuki Kanaya
(Tomonaga Center for the History of the Universe, University of Tsukuba)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
We study thermodynamic properties of 2+1 flavor QCD on the lattice applying the method of Makino and Suzuki based on the gradient flow, using a nonperturbatively $O(a)$-improved Wilson quark action and the renormalization group-improved Iwasaki gauge action. I report on results of the energy momentum tensor and chiral condensate obtained so far from our on-going simulations at the physical point.
Etsuko Itou
(Keio University)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
We study the chemical potential $(\mu)$ dependence of the topological susceptibility with two-color two-flavor QCD. We find that at temperature $T \sim T_c/2$, where Tc denotes the critical temperature at zero chemical potential, the topological susceptibility is almost constant until $\mu/m_{PS}=1.6$, while at $T \sim T_c$, it decreases significantly from the $\mu=0$ value in a high $\mu$...
Shanjin Wu
(Peking University)
6/24/19, 5:00 PM
In this work, we explore the Kibble-Zurek scaling of the conserved charge, using the stachastic diffusion dynamics. After determining the characteristic scales $\tau_{\tiny KZ}$ and $l_{\tiny KZ}$ and properly rescaling the traditional correlation function and cumulant, we construct universal functions for both the two-point correlation function $C(y_1-y_2;\tau)$ and second-order cumulant...