Gert Aarts
(Swansea University)
The thermal transition in QCD has been studied in detail using the staggered-quark formulation. Here we report on progress using Nf=2+1 flavours of Wilson fermions, employing anisotropic, fixed-scale lattice simulations. Observables are compared for two values of the pion mass, focusing on chiral properties: the chiral condensate and its susceptibility, quark number susceptibilities, and the onset of parity doubling in the light and strange baryonic sector. For the pseudo-critical temperature obtained from the chiral condensate, we combine our results with those from twisted-mass fermions and extrapolate to the physical point - without a continuum extrapolation -, yielding T_pc=159(6) MeV.
Primary author
Gert Aarts
(Swansea University)