Xiao-Dan Wang (*)
(Central China Normal University)
We present results of chiral condensates, masses and decay constants of neutral pseudo scalar mesons in (2+1)-flavor QCD in the presence of external magnetic fields at zero temperature. We discuss the validity of Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation in a wide region of magnetic field strength $eB$ up to around 3.5 GeV$^2$. The simulations were performed on $32^3\times96$ lattices using the Highly Improved Staggered Quarks (HISQ) action with a single lattice cutoff $a$=0.117 fm and $m_\pi\approx$ 220 MeV. Sixteen values of $eB$ along the $z$ direction up to around 3.5 GeV$^2$ have been applied in the simulation.
Primary author
Xiao-Dan Wang (*)
(Central China Normal University)