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Thank you for your participation in the Hawaii Mini-Symposium. Thanks to your cooperation, the event was a great success.

[Poster Awards]

《Junior Section》

*Ryota Shiraishi (Osaka University):Development and Performance of a Low Mass In-Beam Charged Particle Detector for the KOTO Experiment

*Ryan Porter (Cornell University):Cornell-Japan Collaborative Progress on Nb3Sn SRF Accelerator Cavities

*Christopher Reis(LBNL):Investigating the limits of high-temperature superconductors for high radiation environments with the US-Japan HEP collaboration

《Senior Section》

*Masashi Otani (KEK):Muon linac for the muon g-2/EDM experiment at J-PARC

*Nanni, Emilio Alessandro (SLAC):Progress on the C^3 Accelerating Structure

*Taku Ishida (KEK):Progress of Radiation Damage Studies on Titanium Alloys as High-Intensity Proton Accelerator Beam Window Materials

Each poster can be viewed from the "Poster Session" page of this Web page.



[Important Information on COVID-19]

Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the 1st Hawaii Mini-Symposium of the US-Japan Science and Technology Cooperation Program in High Energy Physics will be held virtually on April 21-23, Hawaii time.


The deadline has been extended to April 9(Fri), 2021.

Registration is free. Connection information will be sent to participants before the event. Please register through the registration page.

It is our pleasure to announce that the 1st Hawaii Mini-Symposium of the US-Japan Science and Technology Cooperation Program in High Energy Physics will be held virtually on April 21-23, 2021. This symposium is co-hosted by KEK and University of Hawaii and sponsored by DOE.


The US-Japan Science and Technology Cooperation Program in High Energy Physics was started in 1979 under the Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States of America on Cooperation in Research and Development in Science and Technology, aiming to promote joint research and development in High Energy Physics.


In 2019, it celebrated its 40th anniversary and a symposium was held in Hawaii, which gave us an idea to launch this mini-Hawaii-symposium series to encourage the collaboration further and foster young scientists.


The annual meeting of the US-Japan Joint Committee will be held following the Mini-Symposium.


The Local Organizing Committee.





Registration for this event is currently open.