Poster Session

No. Spatial Chat's Room No. Presenter Title Abstract Related US-J Project title Related US-J Project PI Poster link
1 A Nanni, Emilio Alessandro (SLAC) Progress on the C^3 Accelerating Structure We will present progress on the design, fabrication and testing of the first C^3 accelerating structure prototype. This structure is designed to operate efficiently at high-gradient (~120 MV/m) by utilizing distributed coupling, optimized cavity geometries and operating at cryogenic temperatures (~78K). The structure also utilizes the advanced "split-block" manufacturing technique to fabricate all cavities in a one meter structure from two copper slabs dramatically reducing part counts and cost. Efficient and Cost-Effective High-Gradient Normal Conducting Accelerators Abe Tetsuo, 
Sami Tantawi
2 A Tianzhe Xu (Northern Illinois University) Development of a damping-ring-free electron injector for a Linear Collider  Linear collider designs require an asymmetric beam at the final focus, where the vertical beam size is smaller than the horizontal beam size by orders of magnitude. Traditionally, such requirements are met by damping rings, which naturally produce asymmetric beams. In this contribution, we explore the design of a photoinjector capable of producing emittance partition similar to the one attained in a damping ring. Such an injector will integrate a staged approach combining a round-to-flat beam transformation with a transverse to longitudinal emittance exchange. Some preliminary results on the flat-beam generation at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator are presented. Development of a damping-ring-free electron injector for a Linear Collider Kuriki, Masao (Hiroshima University),
John Power (ANL)
3 A Masami Iio (KEK) Research and development of next-generation radiation-resistant superconducting magnet based on high temperature superconductor Research and development of superconducting magnets with mineral insulation based on HTS (High-Temperature Superconductor) has been performed to establish technology for a next-generation radiation- resistant superconducting magnet. The R&D status of electrical insulation applying ceramic coating and adhesive technology, and the progress of neutron and gamma ray irradiation tests will be reported in this contribution. A Collaboration Framework To Advance High-Temperature Superconducting Magnets For Accelerator Facilities Toru Ogitsu(KEK),
Tengming Shen (LBNL)
4 B Matt Andrew (University of Hawaii) Upgrades to Bunch-by-Bunch Vertical Beam Size X-Ray Monitor After a successful initial run of a 64-channel version of our bunch-by-bunch vertical beam size monitor for the HER in Fall 2019, upgrades to several aspects of the system were developed.  The new beam monitor has gone from 64 channels to 128, laser diagnostic functionality has been added, the trigger/timing system has been revamped and the readout system has become more mature.  Instrumenting the LER will also be discussed. R&D for SuperKEKB and the Next Generation High 
Luminosity Colliders
Koji Terashi(Tokyo U),
Heather Gray(UC Berkeley)
5 B Taku Ishida (KEK) Progress of Radiation Damage Studies on Titanium Alloys as High-Intensity Proton Accelerator Beam Window Materials There are a variety of high-strength titanium alloy grades, which are classified into three groups: single alpha-phase, dual alpha+beta phase, and metastable beta phase alloys. Although their microstructure has much tunability with variable thermo-mechanical processes, investigation into their response to radiation damage is still at an unsatisfactory stage. 
R&D of radiation-resistant, high-strength titanium alloys can provide an innovative solution to forefront high-intensity proton accelerator beam window applications, which will become one of the most critical components to realize a few to multi-megawatt beam power in coming years. For the purpose the RaDIATE collaboration promotes high intensity proton beam exposure at BNL-BLIP facility on various target system materials, followed by forefront post-irradiation examination at PNNL and other institutions. In dual alpha+beta phase Ti-6Al-4V, employed as beam windows at J-PARC and LBNF, a high density of nanoscale defect clusters in the primary alpha phase leads to extreme hardening and loss of ductility, further exacerbated by the radiation-induced high density small omega phase particles in the beta phase. Degradation of high-cycle fatigue strength has also been indicated for the first time. On the other hand, none of noticeable irradiation defect formation was identified for single metastable beta-phase alloy Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al, which can be attributed to high-density nano-scale precipitation, functioning effectively as “sink sites” to suppress the formation of irradiation defects. These contrasting radiation damage behavior for different microstructures is worth to be further investigated by multiscale radiation damage modeling based on Molecular Dynamics and Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations.
Advanced Material Studies for High Intensity Proton Production Targets and Windows Kavin Ammigan 
Taku Ishida
6 B Wonho Jang (The University of Tokyo) Quantum gate pattern recognition and circuit optimization for scientific applications Circuit optimization is essential to make the best use of near-term quantum devices. We introduce a multi-tiered quantum circuit optimization protocol called AQCEL. The first idea is technique to recognize repeated patterns of quantum gates and the second idea is an approach to reduce circuit complexity by identifying zero- or low-amplitude computational basis states and redundant gates. As a demonstration, AQCEL is deployed on a quantum algorithm designed to model final state radiation in high energy physics and brings a significant reduction of gate counts. Designing quantum circuits for HEP applications Koji Terashi(Tokyo U)
Heather Gray(UC Berkeley)
7 C Sayuka Kita (University of Tsukuba) A study of AC-LGAD structure for finer pitch readout electrodes We are developing Low-Gain avalanche diode (LGAD) detector which is a silicon sensor with good time resolution for future high luminosity hadron colliders. To have spatial resolution of LGAD detector, we developed new LGAD sensor (AC-LGAD) with Hamamatsu photonics (HPK). The sensor has a uniformly placed common amplification layer with capacitive coupled and segmented electrodes. In this poster, measurement results of prototype sensors and TCAD simulation to understand the structures and doping parameters will be presented. Development of precision timing silicon detectors for future high energy collider experiments Artur Apresyan (FNAL)
Koji Nakamura (KEK)
8 C Ryan Porter (Cornell University) Cornell-Japan Collaborative Progress on Nb3Sn SRF Accelerator Cavities Cornell University has a long history of collaborating with KEK and other Japanese research institutes on developing particle accelerator technology. Recent collaborative activities with the Cornell superconducting radio frequency (SRF) group focus on the development of niobium-3 tin (Nb3Sn) superconducting accelerator cavities. This work promises to improve the efficiency and reduce the cost of future particle accelerators. In this poster we will present work being done as part of the US-Japan Science and Technology Cooperation Program in High Energy Physics. Principally the design and construction of a new Nb3Sn cavity-coating insert/furnace. Advanced Accelerator Technology Sergei Nagaitsev
Michizono, Shinichiro (KEK)
9 C Burcu Mutlu  (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) TAZeR: Accelerating Remote Data for Distributed Scientific Workflows In this poster we present an overview of the TAZeR (Transparent Asynchronous Zero-copy Remote Input/Output) remote data framework. We will show initial results applying TAZeR to a Belle II Monte Carlo Workflow , as well as present some of our recent work, highlighting efforts to utilize high performance networks and enabling dynamic (re)sizing of compute resource staging areas. HIDING DATA ACCESS TIMES IN HEP DISTRIBUTED WORKFLOWS Ryan Friese (PNNL)
Takanori Hara (KEK)
10 D Harsh Purwar (University of Hawaii) Status of Belle II DAQ Upgrade and our contributions To meet the future luminosity projected data rates at Belle II, its data acquisition system needs to be upgraded. By replacing the existing COPPER electronics readout boards with new high-density PCI-express-based boards, we not only prepare for the future operation of SuperKEK-B but also get rid of the outdated hardware and highly simplify the entire DAQ system. Through this submission, we would like to inform the wide audience of the planned development, progress, and current status of the Belle II DAQ Upgrade project.     PDF
11 D Emanuela Z Barzi (FNAL) First results on high-specific heat organic resins for superconducting magnet impregnation A major focus of Nb3Sn high field accelerator magnets for HEP is on significantly reducing or eliminating their training by understanding the underlying physics mechanisms. We have been investigating whether mixing organic olefin-based thermosetting dicyclopentadiene (DCP) resin, commercially available as TELENE® by RIMTEC Corporation in Japan, with high heat capacity ceramic powders, increases heat capacity Cp of impregnated Nb3Sn. Using a high Cp DCP resin as impregnation material for Nb3Sn magnets is expected to considerably increase the specific heat of the superconducting coil package when compared with standard impregnation epoxies (CTD-101k). We verify whether this novel technology can contribute to reducing Nb3Sn magnet training at a minimum cost. High Heat Capacity and Radiation-resistant Organic Resins for Impregnation of High Field Superconducting Magnets Emanuela Barzi(FNAL)
Akihiro Kikuchi (NIMS)
12 D Daniel Jeans (KEK) Development of detectors for ILC We will discuss the requirements, design, and technologies of detectors for the ILC, with an emphasis on recent developments. Sensor Development for Future e+e- Colliders Jeans, Daniel(KEK)
Martin Breidenbach(SLAC)
13 E Masashi Otani (KEK) Muon linac for the muon g-2/EDM experiment at J-PARC The muon g-2/EDM experiment at J-PARC (E34) aims to measure muon g-2 and EDM with unprecedented low-emittance muon beam realized by acceleration of thermal muons. The muon linac accelerates muons from thermal energy (25 meV) to 212 MeV with electro-static extraction and four different radio-frequency cavity: RFQ, IH-DTL, DAW-CCL, and disk loaded structure. We succeeded in accelerating muons using the radio-frequency accelerator for the first time, and are now fabricating actual acceleration cavities. In this poster, demonstration of first muon acceleration and current status of the fabrication will be presented. N/A   PDF
14 E giovanni bonvicini (Wayne State Univ.) Progress with the Large Angle Beamstrahlung Monitor (LABM) The status of the LABM is presented. Three telescopes out of 4 present clear signals. The current effort is on understanding signal variability under changing beam conditions. N/A   PDF
15 E Sujit Bidhar (FNAL) Extreme beam-induced thermal shock experiment on materials for future high intensity multi-MW accelerator components With increasing beam intensities of future multi-megawatt accelerator facilities, various beam intercepting components such as beam windows, targets etc., will have to withstand greater thermal stress waves and ensuing dynamic loads during operation. So it is critical to understand thermal shock limits under highly localized strain rates and temperature and identify material failure limit of conventional and novel materials. Various conventional materials such as beryllium, graphite, silicone coated graphite, titanium alloys as well as some novel materials such as ceramic nanofiber materials were provided by various collaborating institutes and were tested at CERN HighRadMat facility. A 440 GeV proton beam with maximum pulse intensity up to 3.5x1013 protons per pulse and beam sigma of 0.25mm was used to test these materials for their survivability. Various post irradiation examinations and real-time measurements were carried out to quantify thermal shock effects and to validate material models in the simulation. Advanced Materials Studies for High Intensity Proton Production Targets and Windows Kavin Ammigan 
Taku Ishida
16 F Shinichiro Meigo (JAEA/J-PARC) Measurement of displacement cross-section at J-PARC, FNAL and CERN For estimation of radiation damage on beam intercepting materials, such as beam window and target, an index of displacement per atom (dpa) is widely utilized. The dpa is estimated by the integral flux of particles, such as protons and neutrons, and the displacement cross section.
However, the experimental data of displacement cross were scarce, which made it difficult to validate the calculation model for displacement. To obtain the experimental data, we have conducted the experiment at J-PARC. The cross section can be obtained by the change of electrical resistivity of the sample under the irradiation of protons. To avoid the recovery of the displacement, the sample was cooled by a cryo-cooler to be cooled around at 4 K. The displacement cross-sections of Al, Fe, Cu, and W were successfully obtained for proton projectiles with the kinetic energy range between 0.4 and 30 GeV. By the comparison of the calculations, it is found that the widely utilized model of NRT overestimates by a factor of 2 to 4. From the experimental data, we found systematics of the cross section. To expand the kinetic energy range higher than 30 GeV, we will introduce experimental plans at FNAL and CERN.

Advanced Materials Studies for High Intensity Proton Production Targets and Windows

Kavin Ammigan

Taku Ishida

17 F Christopher Reis(LBNL) Investigating the limits of high-temperature superconductors for high radiation environments with the US-Japan HEP collaboration “Nb-based low-temperature superconductors have underpinned the successes of particle accelerator technology over the last few decades. High-temperature superconductors (HTS) open a wider application space, enabling new capabilities for High Energy Physics, High-Field Magnetic Fusion, NMR, neutron, and X-ray scattering. With complimentary goals, expertise, and tools, our team is improving the technological readiness of these novel materials. This collaboration is centered around two main tasks: Investigating HTS technologies for high-radiation environments and measuring/modeling AC loss and field quality of HTS accelerator magnets. The insulation studies implicit to the first task have yielded a simple and scalable method to remove delamination damage of HTS REBCO tapes and seen the irradiation of new epoxies to 20 Mgy. From task one we have also shown that irradiation of these tapes above 1.80E22 n/m2 completely destroys superconductivity. For task two, the team has been employing both experimental tests and modeling to understand the practical limits of REBCO coated conductors due to a quench and methods of alleviation, and field quality of canted-cosine-theta magnets made from a round REBCO cable” A collaboration framework to advance high-temperature superconducting magnets for accelerator facilities Toru Ogitsu (Japan PI)
Tengming Shen (US PI)
18 F Takahiro Odagawa (Kyoto University) Observation of neutrino-water interaction using nuclear emulsion detector Neutrino-nucleus interaction is one of the major sources of systematic uncertainty for current and future neutrino oscillation experiments. To precisely measure the oscillation parameters, a reduction of the interaction model uncertainty is necessary. The NINJA experiment measures neutrino-nucleus interactions on water using a nuclear emulsion detector called Emulsion Cloud Chamber. The sub-micron position resolution of the nuclear emulsion allows us to detect short tracks of low momentum hadrons, for instance, protons down to 200 MeV/c. From November 2019 to February 2020, the NINJA experiment conducted its first physics run with a 75 kg water target exposed to a neutrino beam corresponding to 4.8e20 protons on target. More than 1000 neutrino-water interaction events are expected to be detected. The emulsion films are now under the scanning process, and detector performance study and event reconstruction analysis is also ongoing. In this poster, we will show the detector performance and analysis status of the NINJA physics run.     PDF
19 G Takashi Honjo (Osaka City University) Development of a new detector for the muon monitor at the T2K experiment Muon detectors with higher radiation tolerance are needed for the T2K experiment. The new detector candidate is EMT (Electron-Multiplier Tube). EMTs were produced by depositing aluminum on the cathodes of PMTs. A beam test to measure the radiation resistance was performed at ELPH in November 2020. In this poster, we will report the results. Accelerator and Beamline Research and Technology Development for High-Power Neutrino Beams Takeshi Nakadaira
Jeffrey Scott Eldred
20 G Chieh Lin (National Taiwan University) KOTO Data-Acquisition System toward High-Intensity Beam The KOTO experiment searches for the New Physics through the KLpi0nn decay, which is rare and theoretically clean in the Standard Model (SM). The customized electronics designed by University of Chicago is implemented to unceasingly digitize all the pulses from nearly 4000 channels. A pipeline readout with the depth of 5.2 microseconds is created for the accurate trigger calculations. A two-level trigger system is established to filter the signal candidates: The first level is based on the combination of total energy in the calorimeter and the absence in the other detector components. The second level is based on the number of electromagnetic showers in the calorimeter. With the small system deadtime of 0.16 microseconds, a live time ratio of 99% is achieved. KOTO will take data with doubled beam intensity in the near future. A third level trigger is therefore introduced to perform sophisticated trigger calculations at PC farms. Because a complete event is favored, the event-building modules are proposed to transfer the data at a speed of 10 Gbps between analog-to-digital converters and PC farms. KOTO: Search for Rare Neutral-Kaon Decays at J-PARC Tadashi Nomura
Elizabeth Worcester
21 G Ryota Shiraishi (Osaka University) Development and Performance of a Low Mass In-Beam Charged Particle Detector for the KOTO Experiment The KOTO experiment at J-PARC aims to search for physics beyond the Standard Model by measuring the branching ratio of the decay KLπ0νν¯. One of the major backgrounds is caused by decays of charged kaons. Charged kaons are produced at the collimator in the beam line. The fraction of K+ is 2.6x10^-5. When the K±π0e±ν decay occurs with an e^\pm hitting an insensitive region of the KOTO detector, that can be a background. In order to reject this background, we developed a low mass in-beam charged particle detector and installed it at the upstream edge of the KOTO detector in December 2020. The detector consists of 0.5-mm-thick scintillating fibers and the scintillation light is read out by silicon photo sensors (MPPC). This poster will focus on the development and performance of the detector. KOTO: Search for Rare Neutral-Kaon Decays at J-PARC Tadashi Nomura
Elizabeth Worcester