ISRD2018 : International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses

Kobayashi hall (KEK Tsukuba Campus)

Kobayashi hall

KEK Tsukuba Campus

Ikuo Kanno (Kyoto University), Shinichi Sasaki (KEK)


Dear Colleagues,

We cordially invite you to the second International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (ISRD2018) to be held in Tsukuba, Japan, on January 23–26, 2018.  ISRD2018 will serve as the international conference of the 32nd Workshop on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses. The workshop has been held continuously for over 30 years in Japan, promoted by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and the Ionizing Radiation Division of Japanese Society of Applied Physics (JSAP). It has played a unique role in presenting an opportunity for researchers in various fields to gather to discuss myriad topics related to radiation detectors.

ISRD2018 inherits the aims of the workshop and offers an ideal forum for participants from academia and industry, and who are active in fields related to radiation detectors, to open avenues for collaboration at regional and global levels. The many topics covered in ISRD2018 will include basic processes in radiation detectors, detector development and instrumentation in radiation measurements and dosimetry, and applications in fields such as nuclear physics, astrophysics, material sciences, medicine, and engineering.

ISRD2018 is organized by KEK and the 186th Committee on Radiation Science and Its Applications, of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). On behalf of the organizing committee, I sincerely extend you our welcome to join us at ISRD2018. We look forward to seeing you in Tsukuba.

Shinichi Sasaki

ISRD2018, Chair of the International Organizing Committee


Organized by High Energy Accelerator Research Organization(KEK), JSPS 186th Committee on Radiation Science and Its Applications

    • 1
      Registration Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

    • Welcoming Remarks Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

    • Dosimeter Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Chair : Yoshihito Namito(KEK), Yasuhiro Unno(AIST)

      • 2
        O1: Gamma ray effect on reading alpha particle tracks using fluorescent nuclear track detectors (FNTDs)
        Speaker: Takuya HASHIZUME (1.Nagase-Landauer, Ltd. 2.SOKENDAI)
      • 3
        O2: Applicability of polyimide films for identification of ultra-heavy components, including uranium ions in garactic cosmic ray
        Speaker: Tamon KUSUMOTO (Kobe university and IPHC)
      • 4
        O3: Possibility of element mixed with Aluminum Oxide
        Speaker: Ikuo Kobayashi (Nagase Landauer Ltd.)
      • 5
        O4: Latest advances in fluorescent nuclear track detector technology and instrumentation
        Speaker: Mark S. Akselrod
    • 14:50
      Break Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

    • Dosimeter Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Chair : Yasuhiro Unno(AIST), Yoshihito Namito(KEK)

      • 6
        O5: Effect of preheat temperature and time on stability of sensitivity of radiophotoluminescent glass dosimeters
        Speaker: Nazia Neelam Shehzadi ((A) Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) (B) University of Science and Technology (UST))
      • 7
        O6: Scintillation Properties of Cr-doped Alexandrite Crystal for Dose Verification in Radiation Therapy
        Speaker: Shunsuke KUROSAWA (Tohoku Universtiy, Yamagata Universtiy)
      • 8
        O7: A study on utilization of TEPC as a fusion reaction monitoring device at the KSTAR tokamak
        Speaker: Youngseok Lee (National Fusion Research Institute)
      • 9
        O8: Experiment on board the International Space Station using Position Sensitive Tissue-Equivalent Proportional Chamber “PS-TEPC”
        Speaker: Yuji Kishimoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
    • 16:25
      Break Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

    • DAQ Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Chair : Masayuki Hagiwara(KEK)

      • 10
        O9: New Digital Techniques for Pulse-shape Discrimination, High-rate Operation and Pulse Timing of Radiation Detectors (Invited)
        Speaker: Mohammad Nakhostin (University of Surrey, UK)
    • 17:40
      Welcome Party Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

    • Isotope Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Chair : Fuyuki Tokanai(Yamagata Univ.), Yoshimune Ogata(Nagoya Univ.)

      • 11
        O11: Discovery of new element
        Speaker: Kouji MORIMOTO (RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science)
      • 12
        O12: Study the relationship between radon progeny and particle size using Timepix chip
        Speaker: Miroslaw Janik (QST/NIRS, Chiba, Japan)
      • 13
        O13: Development of Radioisotopes Production Method by Accelerator-based Neutron: Activity at Kyushu University
        Speaker: Tadahiro Kin (Department of Advanced Energy Engineering Science, Kyushu University)
      • 14
        O14: Micro Isotope Imaging by Resonant Laser - Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry
        Speaker: Hideki TOMITA (Department of Energy Engineering, Nagoya University)
    • 10:40
      Break Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

    • Activity Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Chair : Haruyasu Nagai(JAEA), Keitaro Hitomi(Tohoku Univ.)

      • 15
        O15: Radiocarbon analysis of medical samples using Cavity Ring-Down spectroscopy.
        Speaker: Volker Sonnenschein (University of Nagoya)
      • 16
        O16: Simplification of method for analyzing Sr-90 radioactivity in urine sample
        Speaker: Hiroki FUJITA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
      • 17
        O17: Estimation of 134Cs activity using the sum-peak via a well type Ge detector
        Speaker: Yoshimune Ogata (Nagoya University)
      • 18
        O18: Development of the multi-wire proportional counter at KRISS
        Speaker: Sanghoon Hwang (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science)
    • 12:15
      Lunch Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

    • Fukushima Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Chair : Hirohito Yamazaki(KEK), Tadahiro Kin(Kyushu Univ.)

      • 19
        O19: Source Term Estimation for the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident by Comparing Environmental Monitoring and Atmospheric Dispersion Simulation (Invited)
        Speaker: Haruyasu NAGAI (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
      • 20
      • 21
        O22: Development of radiation imaging system integrating radiation measurement into optical three-dimensional measurement
        Speaker: Yuki Sato (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
    • 14:35
      Break Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

    • Fukushima Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Chair : Tadahiro Kin(Kyushu Univ.), Hirohito Yamazaki(KEK)

      • 22
        O23: Preliminary study on determination of surface contamination density on soil in heavily contaminated areas using a CeBr3 scintillation detector coupled with lead shielding
        Speaker: Munehiko KOWATARI (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
      • 23
        O24: Development of remote sensing technique using radiation-resistant optical fibers under high-radiation environment
        Speaker: Chikara ITO (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
      • 24
        O25: Laser cooling and spectroscopy of trapped Sr ions
        Speaker: Yoshihiro IWATA (The University of Tokyo)
      • 25
        O26: Comparing of Gamma Ray Visualization Analyzer’s Quantitative Performance with Survey Meter’s Dose Rate’s one
        Speaker: Akio Uesaka (HORIBA, Ltd.)
    • Poster Session Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Chair : Keitaro Hitomi(Tohoku Univ.), Shunsuke Kurosawa(Tohoku Univ.), Yuji Kishimoto(KEK)

      • 26
        P10: The Development of Length-Compensated Proportional Counter at KRISS
        Speaker: Yonggeun SEON (Kyungpook National University, Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science(KRISS))
      • 27
        P11: Sensitivity Improvement of Mid Infrared CRDS for Radiocarbon Analysis
        Speaker: Ryohei TERABAYASHI (Nagoya University)
      • 28
        P12: Simulation of α/β gross activity measurement of soil samples with proportional counters
        Speaker: THAMER ALHARBI (Department of Physics, College of Science in Zulfi, Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia)
      • 29
        P13: Production of medical radioisotope 64Cu via the 64Zn(n,p) reaction with accelerator-based neutrons and chemical separation
        Speaker: Masaki Kamida (Department of Advanced Energy Engineering Science, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)
      • 30
        P14: Evaluation of dose response characteristics of a small type Optically Stimulated Luminescence dosimeter irradiated with more than 10 Gy
        Speaker: Tohru OKAZAKI (Nagase-Landauer, Ltd.)
      • 31
        P15: Evaluation on Thermoluminescence Kinetic Parameters of Ge-doped Cylindrical Fibre Dosimeter By Computerised Glow Curve Deconvolution
        Speaker: Muhammad Safwan Ahmad Fadzil (Department of Imaging, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia)
      • 32
        P16: Thermoluminescence Properties of CaF2:Dy Nanophosphors for Electron Dosimetry
        Speaker: Mahesh S. BHADANE (Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-411007.)
      • 33
        P17: A study on three dimensional dose verification of high-dose-rate (HDR) flattening filter-free (FFF) radiation therapy by using NIPAM gel dosimetry
        Speaker: Chia-Chi Lin (Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Science, China Medical University, No.91, Hsueh-Shih Road, 40402 Taichung City, Taiwan, R.O.C.)
      • 34
        P18: Evaluation of biological effect in neutron field generated by an accelerator
        Speaker: Riichiro Nakamura (Kyushu University)
      • 35
        P1: Development of 4π Compton gamma imaging for determination of radioactivity
        Speaker: Kohei Uema (Department of Energy Engineering, Nagoya Univ.)
      • 36
        P20: A Study on a Metal Artifact Reduction Method by Energy-resolved CT
        Speaker: Kentaro Ouchi (Kyoto University)
      • 37
        P21: Identification of a Material in a Metal Case Using Energy Resolved Computed Tomography
        Speaker: Shota ISHIKAWA (Kyoto University)
      • 38
        P22: Simplified Computed Tomography by Two-direction Transmission Imaging using a Flat-type “transXend” Detector
        Speaker: Sota TOSHIRO (Kyoto University)
      • 39
        P23: Development of 3D resistor chain circuits for the X’tal cube PET detector
        Speaker: Genki HIRUMI (National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS-QST)/ Chiba University)
      • 40
        P24: Determination of Accelerator-based Neutron Energy Distribution by means of Multiple-Foil Activation Method using GRAVEL, MAXED, and RooUnfold
        Speaker: Katsumi Aoki (Department of Advanced Energy Engineering Science, Kyushu University)
      • 41
        P25: Verification of unfolding method for neutron energy spectra using liquid organic scintillator
        Speaker: Eunji LEE (Kyushu University)
      • 42
        P26: High definition pulse neutron imaging with high-frame-rate camera by center-of-gravity and super-resolution processing for bright spots from image intensifier.
        Speaker: Katsuya Kanehira (Cooperative Major in Nuclear Energy, Tokyo City University)
      • 43
        P27: Image reconstruction for fast neutron camera using nuclear emulsion
        Speaker: Kanji Watanabe (Department of Energy Engineering, Nagoya University)
      • 44
        P28: Perforated thermal neutron detectors with depleted UO2 as converter material - A Monte Carlo simulation study
        Speaker: Manoj Kumar Parida (HBNI, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu, India.)
      • 45
        P29: Evaluation of Applicability of Monte-Carlo Simulation to Equipment Design of Radioactive Noble Gas Monitor
        Speaker: Kei SUGIHARA (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corp.)
      • 46
        P2: Development of compact portal monitor using SiPM for radiation monitoring in dringking water
        Speaker: Jeonho Kim (Myongji university)
      • 47
        P30: Design of filter for semiconductor of minimizing damage by inspection
        Speaker: KiHyun Park (Myongji University)
      • 48
        P31: Review of using compressive sensing method for real time detection in nuclear survey and other nuclear industrial application
        Speaker: Masoumeh Mohamadian (Energy Engineering Department, Amirkabir University of Technology)
      • 49
        P32: Measurement of scintillation and ionization in helium mixed with xenon
        Speaker: Akihiro Takeuchi (SOKENDAI)
      • 50
        P33: Development of neutron imaging detector with glass capillary plate
        Speaker: Ryutaro ITOH (Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University)
      • 51
        P34: Gamma ray tracking system in kriss
        Speaker: Jubong Han (ust)
      • 52
        P35: Application of Bragg Curve Counters to Measurement of Double Differential Cross Sections for Evaporated Charged Particles from Proton-Induced Reactions
        Speaker: Yuji YAMAGUCHI (Kyushu University)
      • 53
        P36: Small-volume thallium bromide gamma-ray detectors for high-intensity radiation fields
        Speaker: Mitsuhiro Nogami (Tohoku University)
      • 54
        P37: Development of a Single Crystal CVD Diamond Detector for High Energy Elementary Particle Experiment
        Speaker: Asuka Hara (SOKENDAI, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
      • 55
        P38: Light yield and timing characteristics of LGSO:Ce,Ca and LGSO:Ce single crystals
        Speaker: Nattasuda Yawai (King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok 10140, Thailand)
      • 56
        P39: Scintillation characteristics of YAlO3:Pr3+ single crystals with different Pr3+ concentration
        Speaker: Krittiya Sreebunpeng (Chandrakasem Rajabhat University, Thailand)
      • 57
        P3: Development of band pass filtered external cavity diode laser system for RIMS of radioactive strontium isotopes.
        Speaker: DONGUK CHEON (University of Tokyo, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management)
      • 58
        P40: Scintillation properties of Cs2HfCl6 and Gd:Cs2HfCl6 scintillators with a MPPC
        Speaker: SHOHEI KODAMA (Institute of Materials Research, Tohoku University)
      • 59
        P41: Characterization of Benzoic Acid-based Solid Scintillators for a Neutron Detector
        Speaker: Shinnosuke YAMATO (Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University)
      • 60
        P42: Development of Detection System for Measurement of Zenith Angular Differential Spectra of Low-energy Terrestrial Cosmic-ray Muon
        Speaker: Hikaru SATO (Department of Advanced Energy Engineering Science, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)
      • 61
        P43: Dark Matter search useing NaI(Tl) scintillator
        Speaker: Shouko Hirata (Tokushima University)
      • 62
        P44: Scintillation properties of ZnWO4 crystals for direct-sensitive Dark Matter search
        Speaker: Misa Tsukahara (Yamagata University)
      • 63
        P45: Evaluation of patient and staff reduction dose during fluoroscopy guided cardiology procedure
        Speaker: Kuo-Ting Tang
      • 64
        P46: Sub-micrometer resolution X-ray imaging with a thin-film scintillator fabricated by a solid-state diffusion bonding of transparent ceramics
        Speaker: Takashi KAMESHIMA (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
      • 65
        P47: Feasibility study on an application of scintillation fiber imager to realtime range monitoring system for carbon ion therapy
        Speaker: Takeo IWAI (Yamagata University)
      • 66
        P48: Development of the Analog-based Circuit for Safety-Related Radiation Monitor
        Speaker: Noriaki MORI (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corp.)
      • 67
        P49: A SOI pixel sensor with fine space-time resolution for the ILC vertex detector system
        Speaker: Taohan LI (Tohoku University)
      • 68
        P4: Feasibility of in situ measurements for the radiological assessments of strontium-90 in the rivers and lakes
        Speaker: Hye Min Park (MyongJi university)
      • 69
        P5: Using VR/AR, Development of nuclear radiation disaster prevention traing system for local governmnet
        Speaker: Seung hyun Ha (Orion EnC Co.Ltd)
      • 70
        P6: Testing of criticality accident alarm system detectors to the radiations from a pulsed reactor
        Speaker: Norio TSUJIMURA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
      • 71
        P7: Constancy evaluation for 4πγ (ISOCAL-IV) Ionization Chamber
        Speaker: Wei-Han Chu (Health Physics Division, Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Taiwan (ROC))
      • 72
        P8: Absolute Measurements of Radioactive Sources by Using Isothermal Microcalorimetry
        Speaker: Young Jin Park (KRISS(Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science))
      • 73
        P9: Digital Anti-coincidence Counting Method with Emulated Live-Time of the Extending Dead-Time: Ga-67 standardization
        Speaker: K.B. Lee (Korea Institutes of Stanards and Science)
    • Semiconductor Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Chair : Mohammad Nakhostin(Surrey Univ.), Ikuo Kanno(Kyoto Univ.)

      • 74
        O27: Development of Hybrid-Pixel Radiation Detectors at the FMF
        Speaker: Sebastian Schütt (Freiburg university)
      • 75
        O28: Development of CdTe pixel detectors for energy-resolved X-ray diffractions
        Speaker: Hidenori TOYOKAWA (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)
      • 76
        O29: L X ray spectroscopy of transuranium elements with transition edge sensor microcalorimeter
        Speaker: Keisuke MAEHATA (Kyushu University)
      • 77
        O30: New Type of Diamond Particle Detector TCAD Simulation
        Speaker: M Jauhar KHOLILI (SOKENDAI)
    • 10:40
      Break Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

    • Gas Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Chair : Mohammad Nakhostin(Surrey Univ.), Kiwamu Saito(KEK)

      • 78
        O31: Electroluminescence in gas detectors: concepts and applications (Invited)
        Speaker: Filipa I.G.M. Borges (Departmento of Physics, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal)
      • 79
        O32: Dual-Stage Gas Proportional Scintillation Counter - Concept and Experimental Results
        Speaker: Andre CORTEZ (LIP-Coimbra)
    • 11:55
      Lunch Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

    • Gas Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Chair : Kiwamu Saito(KEK), Mohammad Nakhostin(Surrey Univ.)

      • 80
        O33: Micropattern Gaseous Detectors Their Applications and RD51 Collaboration
        Speaker: Leszek Ropelewski (CERN)
    • Medical Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Chair : Filipa Borges(Coimbra Univ.), Keisuke. Maehata(Kyushu Univ.)

      • 81
        O34: Timing performance of a DOI dual-end readout detector using laser-segmented crystal bars
        Speaker: Akram MOHAMMADI (National Institute of Radiological Sciences)
      • 82
        O35: Development of an ultra-high resolution radiation imaging system
        Speaker: Seiichi YAMAMOTO (Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine)
      • 83
        O36: Determination of radiochemical yields of hydroxyl radical production in water under low energy proton irradiation
        Speaker: Nicolas LUDWIG (IPHC, UMR 7178, CNRS, Radiochimistry group, Strasbourg, France)
      • 84
        O37: Effective Atomic Number Estimation Using Current Mode Energy-Resolved Computed Tomography
        Speaker: Takumi Hamaguchi (Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University)
    • 14:55
      Break Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

    • Neutron Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Chair : Hideki Tomita(Nagoya Univ.), Masayuki Hagiwara(KEK)

      • 85
        O38: Determination of emission rates and spectra of neutrons from 241Am-Li sources
        Speaker: Katsuya Hoshi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
      • 86
        O39: Identification and quantification of nuclear nuclides using a pulsed neutron imaging technique
        Speaker: Daisuke ITO (Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University)
      • 87
        O40: Neutron distribution measurement by the self-activation of a CsI plate with CCD camera using a decaying self-activation imaging technique
        Speaker: Akihiro NOHTOMI (Department of Health Sciences, Kyushu University)
    • 16:10
      Break Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

    • Neutron Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Chair : Akihiro Nohtomi(Kyushu Univ.), Hideki Tomita(Nagoya Univ.)

      • 88
        O42: Development of high-efficiency neutron imaging detector for non-destructive test of next generation nuclear fuels
        Speaker: Yoshiyuki TAKAHASHI (Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University)
      • 89
        O43: Outline of the development of Nondestructive Methods Adopted for Integrity Test of Next Generation Nuclear Fuels (N-DeMAIN)
        Speaker: KEN NAKAJIMA (Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University)
      • 90
        O44: Neutron spectrum measurement for 24 GeV/c proton on thick copper target at CERN/CHARM
        Speaker: Toshiya SANAMI (KEK)
    • 19:00
      Banquet Tsukuba Sansui-tei(Japanese Restaurant)

      Tsukuba Sansui-tei(Japanese Restaurant)

    • Scintillator Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Chair: Weerapong Chewpraditkul(King Mongkut's Univ.), Ikuo Kanno(Kyoto Univ.)

      • 91
        O45: Light output, energy resolution and timing characteristics of Ce3+ doped scintillators
        Speaker: Weerapong Chewpraditkul
      • 92
        O46: Growth of organic crystals for neutron detection and their scintillation properties
        Speaker: Akihiro Yamaji (Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University)
      • 93
        O47: Development of dual time-over-threshold method for estimation of scintillation decay time and energy
        Speaker: Ryosuke Ota (Hamamatsu Photonics K. K.)
      • 94
        O48: Some Properties of Plastic Scintillators to Construct a LET Spectrometer
        Speaker: Nguyen Thuy Ngan TRAN (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI))
    • 10:40
      Break Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

    • Scintillator Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

      Chair : Tadahiro Kin(Kyushu Univ.), Weerapong Chewpraditkul(King Mongkut's Univ.)

      • 95
        O49: Readout Test of Plastic Scintillator with SiPM for the development of Gamma-ray Burst Polarimeter
        Speaker: Shuichi Gunji (Yamagata University)
      • 96
        O50: Demonstration of 3D Cosmic-ray Muon Tomography using Portable Muography Detector made of Plastic Scintillating Fibers
        Speaker: Kullapha CHAIWONGKHOT (Department of Advanced Energy Engineering Science, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)
      • 97
        O51: Dark Matter Search by means of highly radiopure NaI(Tl) scintillator
        Speaker: Ken-Ichi FUSHIMI (Department of Physics, Tokushima University)
    • Closing Remarks Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

    • 12:05
      Lunch Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus

    • KEK tour Kobayashi hall

      Kobayashi hall

      KEK Tsukuba Campus