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7–9 Dec 2022
Online (Zoom)
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Stability of open-string models with broken supersymmetry

8 Dec 2022, 17:00
Online (Zoom)

Online (Zoom)

The necessary information (links, IDs, and passcodes) will be sent to the participants by E-mail before the workshop starts.


Prof. Hervé Partouche (Ecole Polytechnique)


We consider type IIB orientifold models in four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime, with N=2 supersymmetry spontaneously broken to 0. For an arbitrary choice of D9- and D5-brane configuration, we analyze the generation of masses at one-loop for all open- and closed-string sector moduli fields. In order to find non-tachyonic models at one-loop, a key ingredient is to consider brane configurations with rigid positions.

Primary author

Prof. Hervé Partouche (Ecole Polytechnique)

Presentation materials