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10–15 Sept 2023
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL)
Asia/Tokyo timezone
WAO2023 is over. Thanks for your support. Please bring fruitful discussions at WAO2023 back to your community. See you at WAO2025 hosted by Canadian Light Source.

OR17 - A Staged Approach to Beam Commissioning of Fermilab's PIP-II Accelerator

14 Sept 2023, 09:00
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL)

Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL)


Darren Crawford (FNAL)


The Proton Improvement Plan II, or PIP-II, project is an essential upgrade to Fermilab’s accelerator complex to enable the world’s most intense high-energy beam of neutrinos for the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment at the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility, and a broad physics program, powering new discoveries for many decades to come. PIP-II features a Warm Front End, Superconducting Linac, and beam transfer line that will provide a beam of 2 mA H- ions up to 800 MeV and inject them into the existing Booster accelerator. PIP-II will be commissioned in stages as the Installation Team hands off hardware to the Commissioning Team. I will discuss the strategy for this staged approach and inclusion of Main Control Room operators into the commissioning tasks.​

Presentation materials