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10–15 Sept 2023
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL)
Asia/Tokyo timezone
WAO2023 is over. Thanks for your support. Please bring fruitful discussions at WAO2023 back to your community. See you at WAO2025 hosted by Canadian Light Source.

OR30 - Operation of accelerator system at The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center

13 Sept 2023, 09:30
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL)

Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL)


Satoshi Hatori (WERC)


"At the Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center (WERC), we had constructed an accelerator system with a 5 MV tandem accelerator, which is an injector for a 200 MeV proton synchrotron.
After completion of the construction in 2000, we have operated the accelerator system for the ion beam analysis, irradiation for the material and biological sciences. In the period from 2002 to 2009, the study of the cancer therapy with a proton beam from the synchrotron had been performed. Recently, the accelerator beam has been used for testing radiation resistance of the semiconductor devices, especially used in space.
Our system is used for many users with various purposes. Stable operation of the system and efficient sharing of the operation duration are required. The tandem machine is used for all experiments. Large amounts of maintenance work are spent for the tandem accelerator. It is the most important to improve and maintain the withstand voltage performance in the operation of the tandem accelerator.
The system is operated and maintained by 2 researchers and 9 operators. The maintenance of the tandem accelerator is done with no help of the provider of the accelerator."

Presentation materials