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10–15 Sept 2023
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL)
Asia/Tokyo timezone
WAO2023 is over. Thanks for your support. Please bring fruitful discussions at WAO2023 back to your community. See you at WAO2025 hosted by Canadian Light Source.

PO37 - Development of remote participation tools for LIPAc operation

12 Sept 2023, 14:00
1h 30m
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL)

Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL)


José Franco Campos (QST)


Accelerator-based high energy neutron sources are studied to characterize future fusion reactors material. The Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc) is a full-scale prototype aiming at validating the production of a deuteron beam of 125 mA at 9 MeV in continuous wave in an international collaboration between Japan and the European Union. The accelerator is located in Rokkasho, Japan, and many experts all around Japan and Europe are participating to LIPAc operations. For this reason, we have developed a web-based remote participation system, which can be used by experts to monitor the status of the operation in real-time from anywhere in the world. Our solution provides to each user a virtual desktop with the same environment and tools as the control room in Rokkasho, and a real-time, read-only copy of the accelerator data. This presentation will explain the technical and organizational challenges met during the development, and the solution adopted to ensure the security and safety of the operation, balanced against the ease of use for our experts.

Presentation materials