10–15 Sept 2023
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL)
Asia/Tokyo timezone
WAO2023 is over. Thanks for your support. Please bring fruitful discussions at WAO2023 back to your community. See you at WAO2025 hosted by Canadian Light Source.


Operator Made Tools

13 Sept 2023, 11:00
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL)

Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL)


Operator Made Tools

  • Kazuro Furukawa

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Hikaru Souda
OR13 - Development of Particle Therapy Database of Operation and Maintenance
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL)
11:00 - 11:20
francesco tripaldi
OR14 - Enhancing complex automations: Operators empower efficiency with 'Sequencers' tool
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL)
11:20 - 11:40
Blair Stringer
OR15 - Automated Profile and Beam Intensity Measurements at TRIUMF
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL)
11:40 - 12:00
Rutger Nieuwenhuis
OR16 - Software and Toolchain in the MAX IV Operations Group
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL)
12:00 - 12:30