4:00 PM
Machine learning for high current beam operation at cERL [TUO12]
Masakazu Kurata (KEK)
4:20 PM
Beam Dynamics of the Strong Hadron Cooler ERL at the Electron-Ion Collider [TUO13]
Kirsten Deitrick (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
4:40 PM
PERLE design and beam dynamics studies [TUO14]
Alex Fomin (IJCLab)
5:00 PM
Impact of filling patterns on BBU in ERLs [TUO15]
Robert Apsimon (Lancaster University/Cockcroft Institute)
5:20 PM
Beam Diagnostics for the Multi-Turn ERL Operation at the S-DALINAC [TUO16]
Manuel Dutine (Technische Universitat Darmstadt)
5:40 PM
Improved techniques for space charge dominated beamline design [TUO17]
Marcello Rossetti Conti (INFN-MI)