International Workshop on Energy Recovery Linacs (ERL 2024)

Kobayashi Hall (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))

Kobayashi Hall

High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

Hiroshi Sakai

The 69th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Energy Recovery Linacs (ERL2024) will be held at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Japan on September 24-27th, 2024. The ERL workshop has been held every two years since 2005. 

The conference will be hosted by KEK. The workshop will serve as a forum for scientists and engineers around the world to review the latest developments in ERL physics, technologies and applications, to exchange ideas and discuss the latest developments in the field.

There are six working groups for the workshop as follows:
・WG1: Beam dynamics
・WG2: Sources
・WG3: Superconducting RF
・WG4: Applications
・WG5: Facilities
・WG6: Sustainability


We are looking forward to seeing you in ERL2024 !



The workshop is supported by 



The copyright of all text, photographs or graphics in this website belongs to ERL2024 local organizing committee unless otherwise stated.

We do not provide your travel-related information and ask your travel arrangement to any travel agency.













    • Registration Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

    • Welcome & introduction (incl. photo session) Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

      • 1
        Welocome to KEK
        Speaker: Shoji Asai (KEK, Director General)
      • 2
        Overview of KEK Accelerator Laboratory
        Speaker: Tadashi Koseki (KEK, Director Accel. Lab.)
      • 3
        ERL and ERL2024 workshops, Welcome to KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
        Speaker: Hiroshi Sakai (KEK, ERL2024 IOC)
      • 4
        Logistics of ERL2024
        Speaker: Miho Shimada (KEK, ERL2024 LOC)
      • 5
        Photo session
    • 10:00 AM
      Break Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

    • WG5 (Facilities reports) Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

      Convener: Chair: Hiroshi Sakai (KEK)
      • 6
        Status of cERL [TUO01] Kobayashi Hall

        Kobayashi Hall

        High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

        Speaker: Miho Shimada (KEK)
      • 7
        CBETA: Achievements,Challenges, Status, and Plans [TUO02] Kobayashi Hall

        Kobayashi Hall

        High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

        Speaker: Joseph Berg (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 8
        Status of the S-DALINAC with focus on ERL operation [TUO03] Kobayashi Hall

        Kobayashi Hall

        High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

        Speaker: Michaela Arnold (TU Darmstadt)
      • 9
        Status of the ERL project bERLinPro: Final comissioning preparations [TUO04] Kobayashi Hall

        Kobayashi Hall

        High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

        Speaker: Axel Neumann (HZB)
      • 10
        MESA facility report [TUO05] WG5


        Speaker: Timo Stengler (University Mainz)
    • Lunch Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

    • WG5 (Facilities reports) Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

      Convener: Chair: Michaela Arnold (TU Darmstadt)
      • 11
        PERLE Status and Plans [TUO06]
        Speaker: Walid Kaabi (IJCLab-CNRS)
      • 12
        Progress on Terahertz Light Production at TRIUMF e-Linac [TUO07]
        Speaker: Hui Wen Koay (TRIUMF)
      • 13
        BriXSino: an ERL proposed facility at INFN Milan LASA Laboratory [TUO08]
        Speaker: Dario Giove (INFN-LASA)
      • 14
    • WG6 (Sustainability) Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

      Convener: Chiair: Stephen Benson (Benson Laser Consulting, LLC)
      • 15
        Sustainability implications for high energy colliders [TUO09]
        Speaker: Vladimir Litvinenko (Stony Brook University)
      • 16
        Advancements and Challenges in Large-Scale Cryogenics for Accelerator Facilities [TUO10]
        Speaker: Nusair Hasan (Michigan State University)
      • 17
        Challenges and breakthroughs in recent RF Solid State PA design by Radial Combiner design with Initiatives for SDGs [TUO11]
        Speaker: Reichiro Kobana (R and K company)
    • 3:30 PM
      Break Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

    • WG1 (Beam dynamics) Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

      Convener: Chair: Joseph Berg (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 18
        Machine learning for high current beam operation at cERL [TUO12]
        Speaker: Masakazu Kurata (KEK)
      • 19
        Beam Dynamics of the Strong Hadron Cooler ERL at the Electron-Ion Collider [TUO13]
        Speaker: Kirsten Deitrick (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
      • 20
        PERLE design and beam dynamics studies [TUO14]
        Speaker: Alex Fomin (IJCLab)
      • 21
        Impact of filling patterns on BBU in ERLs [TUO15]
        Speaker: Robert Apsimon (Lancaster University/Cockcroft Institute)
      • 22
        Beam Diagnostics for the Multi-Turn ERL Operation at the S-DALINAC [TUO16]
        Speaker: Manuel Dutine (Technische Universitat Darmstadt)
      • 23
        Improved techniques for space charge dominated beamline design [TUO17]
        Speaker: Marcello Rossetti Conti (INFN-MI)
    • Welcome reception Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

    • Registration Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

    • WG1 (Beam dynamics) Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

      Convener: Chair: Alex Fomin (IJCLab)
      • 24
        Injector optics design and optimization for cERL [WEO01]
        Speaker: Olga Tanaka (KEK)
      • 25
        Mechanisms for commissioning and implementation of the SEALab beam modes: from modelling to optimisation strategies [WEO02]
        Speaker: Emily Jayne Brookes (HZB)
      • 26
        Optimisation of space charge induced emittance growth in the PERLE injector [WEO03]
        Speaker: Connor Monaghan (University of Liverpool, IJCLab/CNRS)
      • 27
        Fast envelope tracking for high intensity low energy electrons [WEO04]
        Speaker: Hui Wen Koay (TRIUMF)
      • 28
        Phasing and Calibration of the Main Linac Cryomodule Cavities for the CBETA Energy Recovery Linac [WEO05]
        Speaker: Joseph Berg (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 10:30 AM
      Break Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

    • WG2 (Source) Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

      Convener: Chair: Masahiro Yamamoto (KEK)
      • 29
        High-Performance Operation of a Direct-Current and Superconducting Radio-Frequency Combined Photocathode Gun [WEO06]
        Speaker: Senlin Huang (Peking University)
      • 30
        Operating experience with Cs2Te cathodes and driving the SRF gun up to 1mA CW [WEO07]
        Speaker: Andre Arnold (HZDR)
      • 31
        Operational experience with CsK2Sb and GaAs photocathodes in a high gradient CW SRF gun [WEO08]
        Speaker: Vladimir Litvinenko (Stony Brook University)
      • 32
        Development of Photocathodes for high spin polarized electron sources at Brookhaven National Laboratory [WEO09]
        Speaker: Luca Cultrera (BNL)
    • Lunch Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

    • WG2 (Source) Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

      Convener: Chair: André Arnold (HZDR)
      • 33
        LCLS-II injector performance [WEO10]
        Speaker: Feng Zhou (SLAC)
      • 34
        Design, fabrication, and beam commissioning of a 216.667 MHz CW VHF electron gun [WEO11]
        Speaker: Houjun Qian (Zhangjiang Lab)
      • 35
        High average current HVDC electron gun for EIC hadron cooling [WEO12]
        Speaker: Erdong Wang (Brookhaven national lab)
      • 36
        Preparation of cERL DC-gun upgrade for 10mA CW beam operation [WEO13]
        Speaker: Masahiro Yamamoto (KEK)
    • Site tour cERL, STF, PF, and super KEKB in KEK

      cERL, STF, PF, and super KEKB in KEK

    • Registration Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

    • WG4 (Applications) Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

      Convener: Chair: Ryoichi Hajima (QST)
      • 37
        PERLE Potential Applications [THO01]
        Speaker: Walid Kaabi (IJCLab-CNRS)
      • 38
        Design Overview of the Strong Hadron Cooler ERL at the Electron-Ion Collider [THO02]
        Speaker: Kirsten Deitrick (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
      • 39
        Future e+e- colliders using recycling energy-recovery linacs [THO03]
        Speaker: Vladimir Litvinenko (Stony Brook University)
      • 40
        Electron cooler for high-energy hadrons in the EIC based on ERL [THO04]
        Speaker: Dmitry Kayran (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 41
        ILC Upgrade with Energy Revovery [THO05]
        Speaker: Kaoru Yokoya (KEK)
    • 10:30 AM
      Break Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

    • WG4 (Applications) Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

      Convener: Chair: Erdong Wang (Brookhaven national lab)
      • 42
        Applications of the SRF Photoinjector of SEALAB [THO06]
        Speaker: Thorsten Kamps (HZB)
      • 43
        Accelerator development plan in KEK toward the High-power EUV-FEL light source for future lithography [THO07]
        Speaker: Hiroshi Kawata (KEK)
      • 44
        High Harmonic Frequency Combs Based on an Infrared FEL Oscillator [THO08]
        Speaker: Ryoichi Hajima (QST)
      • 45
        Development of regenerative-amplifier FEL at the compact ERL [THO09]
        Speaker: Takanori Tanikawa (KEK)
    • Lunch + Poster session Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

    • WG4 (Applications) Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

      Convener: Chair: Ryoichi Hajima (QST)
      • 46
        ERL potential as a gamma-ray source [THO10]
        Speaker: Dmitry Kayran (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 47
    • WG6 (Sustainability) Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

      Convener: Chair: Norio Nakamura (KEK)
      • 48
        Investigating permanent magnet resiliency to radiation – a study at Jefferson Lab’s CEBAF [THO11]
        Speaker: Ryan Bodenstein (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
    • WG3/WG6 joint session Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

      Convener: Chiair: Norio nakamura
      • 49
        Fast reactive tuner research and developments at HZB [THO12]
        Speaker: Nicholas Shipman (HZB)
      • 50
        Mechanical Polishing of Nb3Sn Thin Film Cavities [THO13]
        Speaker: Eric Viklund (FNAL)
    • 4:00 PM
      Break Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

    • WG3 (SRF) Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

      Convener: Chair: Eiji Kako (KEK)
      • 51
        Status and testing of the high current SRF cavity for BESSY VSR [THO14]
        Speaker: Adolfo Velez (HZB)
      • 52
        PERLE cavity development at IJCLab [THO15]
        Speaker: Akira Miyazaki (CNRS/IN2P3/IJCLab)
      • 53
        1.3 GHz 3-cell superconducting cavity for high current beam acceleration [THO16]
        Speaker: Xuan Huang (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)
    • Banquet Sansuitei


    • Registration Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

    • WG3 (SRF) Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

      Convener: Chair: Axel Neumann (HZB)
      • 54
        Status of Supercondtucting Thin Films on Higher Order Mode Antennas at MESA to increase the CW Perfomance [FRO01]
        Speaker: Paul Plattner (JGU Mainz)
      • 55
        Development of CW 100 kW high power coupler for conduction cooled SRF accelerators [FRO02]
        Speaker: Pragya Nama (KEK/Sokendai)
      • 56
        SRF Photo-Injector Development at MSU [FRO03]
        Speaker: Taro Konomi (FRIB)
      • 57
        LCLS-II SRF commissioning and early operational experience [FRO04]
        Speaker: Sebastian Aderhold (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
    • 10:30 AM
      Break Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

    • WG3 (SRF) Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

      Convener: Chair: Eiji Kako (KEK)
      • 58
        Investigating Superconducting Cavity Faults and Instabilities at China Accelerator Facility for Superheavy Elements [FRO05]
        Speaker: Feng Qiu (IMP)
      • 59
        Long-term Stable Operation of cERL Cryomodules [FRO06]
        Speaker: Kensei Umemori (KEK)
      • 60
        Cryomodule Construction of Two 1.3 GHz 2-cell Cavities with double-feed couplers for DALS Injector [FRO07]
        Speaker: Quan Zhou (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
    • Closeout summaries Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)

      • 61
        WG1 summaryr [FRO08]
        Speaker: WG1 conveners
      • 62
        WG2 summaryr [FRO09]
        Speaker: WG2 conveners
      • 63
        WG3 summaryr [FRO10]
        Speaker: WG3 conveners
      • 64
        WG4 summary [FRO11]
        Speaker: WG4 conveners
      • 65
        WG5 summary [FRO12]
        Speaker: WG5 conveners
      • 66
        WG6 summary [FRO13]
        Speaker: WG6 conveners
      • 67
        Speaker: Hiroshi Sakai (KEK)
    • Lunch Kobayashi Hall

      Kobayashi Hall

      High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)