The 15th International Workshop on Fundamental Physics Using Atoms (FPUA2024)
Workshop objectives:
The workshop aims to explore new frontiers of fundamental physics
research using various methods of quantum state control and precise
measurement of atoms and molecules. The latest results and prospects
of fundamental physics research will be discussed, which is pioneering
both experimentally and theoretically by integrating the advanced
experimental techniques in various research fields including nuclear
physics, particle physics, atomic physics, quantum optics, and
more. The objective of this workshop is to strengthen these efforts
and expand research networks.
Scientific program and abstract submission:
The program will consist of invited and contributed talks including poster presentations.
Participants who wish to be considered for contributed talks must submit their
contribution at the time of registration.
Registration Deadline:
February 29, 2024 (any time zone)
Invited Speakers (Confirmed):
Makoto Fujiwara (TRIUMF)
"Fundamental Physics Using (Anti)hydrogen Atoms: ALPHA at CERN and HAICU at TRIUMF"
Hiroaki Yamamoto (CALTECH)
"Study of Gravitational Wave by LIGO : past, present and future"
Xing Wu (MSU)
"Advancing EDM searches with ultracold radioactive molecules at FRIB"
Chi Zhang (CALTECH)
"New methods for quantum control of polar molecules for symmetry-violation searches"
Akio Kawasaki (AIST)
"Nuclear and particle physics with cold ytterbium and Rydberg atoms"
Jiro Murata (Rikkyo University)
"Towards quantum gravity: Test of Gravitational Inverse Square Law and Lorentz Invariance"
Shinji Okada (Chubu University)
"Fundamental physics using exotic atoms at J-PARC"
Kazunori Nakayama (Tohoku University)
“Light Dark Matter Search with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamonds"
Hideo Iizuka (KEK / Toyota Central R&D Labs)
"Control of equilibrium and non-equilibrium Casimir forces"
Yutaka Shikano (University of Tsukuba)
"Three-particle Aharonov-Bohm Effect"
Y. Ichikawa (Kyushu), M.Tanaka (Osaka), K. Sugiyama (Kyoto), Y. Takasu (Kyoto)
H. Shimizu (Nagoya), M Kitaguchi (Nagoya), K. Shimomura (KEK),
T. Mibe (KEK), Y. Sakemi (Tokyo), A.Ishida (Tokyo)
T. Masuda(Okayama),A. Yoshimi (Okayama),N. Sasao (Okayama University), K. Yoshimura (Okayama)
Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science
MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C): 18K03621
Fund for Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)): 20KK0068