Oral: Session 1
- Takahiko Masuda (Okayama University)
Oral: Session 2
- Akira Ishida (The University of Tokyo)
Oral: Session 3
- Kazuhiko Sugiyama (Kyoto University)
Oral: Session 4
- Hirohiko Shimizu (Nagoya University)
Oral: Sesseion 5
- Noboru Sasao (Okayama University)
Oral: Session 6
- Yasuhiro Sakemi (CNS, the university of Tokyo)
Oral: Session 7
- Koichiro Shimomura (KEK IMSS)
Oral: Session 8
- Minoru Tanaka (Osaka University)
"Searches for non-zero electric dipole moment (EDM) in fundamental particles shed light on discrete symmetries of nature and constrain new physics beyond the Standard Model. The most sensitive electron EDM and many ongoing nuclear EDM searches are performed with molecules, benefiting from the substantial intra-molecular electric field. At the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), we are...
"Precision measurements of time-reversal symmetry violation in molecular systems provide stringent tests of new physics beyond the Standard Model. I will report our experimental progress towards measuring the nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment using polyatomic 173YbOH molecules. In addition, I will present our recent proposals for advancing the quantum control of molecules and thus improving...
"A laser and optical system for magneto-optical trapping (MOT) of radioactive francium (Fr) atoms has been developed at RIKEN/CNS. The wavelength meter stabilized the laser frequencies involved in MOT, and the 400 m fiber link overcame the challenge of spatial separation of the laser and Fr atoms. MOT was successfully demonstrated in test experiments using stable rubidium. This achievement is...
"The setup of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox leads to provide the observer-depedent description of the quantum state from quantum information perspectives. While this problem is based on the single-particle system, the problem can be extended to the many identical particle system. We provide the experimental proposal to clarify the quantum state description to the identical...
"Following a brief overview of Casimir forces, our recent theoretical works on Casimir forces are presented. Feedback control is introduced for manipulating non-equilibrium Casimir forces. In addition, fundamental properties of equilibrium and non-equilibrium Casimir forces are discussed for systems consisting of reciprocal and non-reciprocal materials."
"Tabletop experiments searching violation of gravitational inverse square law and the muLV experiment at J-PARC, aiming Lorentz violation using muon decay, will be introduced. Motivations will also be discussed based on opening the window to quantum gravitational theories."
"Thorium-229 has the lowest nuclear excited level (229mTh), around 8 eV, which provides many applications from practical usage to fundamental research. In 2019, our group succeeded in producing 229mTh states via X-ray pumping and in 2023, we observed the vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) photons stemmed from the radiative decay of 229mTh. The lifetime of 229mTh is measured, by counting the VUV photons,...
"We propose new ideas to directly search for light dark matter, such as the axion or the dark photon, by using magnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamonds. If the dark matter couples to the electron spin, it affects the evolution of the Bloch vectors consisting of the spin triplet states, which may be detected through several magnetometry techniques. We give several concrete...
"Dark matter with MeV scale mass is difficult to detect with standard direct search detectors. However, they can be searched for by considering the up-scattering of kinetic energies by cosmic rays. Because the dark matter density is higher in the central region of the Galaxy, the up-scattered dark matter will arrive at Earth from the direction of the Galactic center. Once the dark matter is...
"We plan to search for axion dark matter through their interactions with electron spins. Axion wind from the dark matter halo in our galaxy creates an effective magnetic field that induces quanta of collective electron spin wave excitations called magnons in ferromagnetic crystals like Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG). We plan to observe these axion-induced magnons using a hybrid magnon - photon -...
"Sincere the prediction of the gravitation wave (GW) by Einstein 100 years go, scientists all over the world have been looking for the GW signal.
The first GW signal was detected by US-based LIGO GW detectors using laser interferometry on September 14, 2015. The source of the signal was a merger of two black holes at 1.3 billion light year away.
Another epoch making observation was done on...
"The hydrogen atom has been studied extensively throughout history and provides the most precisely measured systems in physics. Antihydrogen has a significantly shorter history of study but no less potential for precision physics measurements. Comparisons between hydrogen and antihydrogen then offer the possibility to test fundamental symmetries such as charge, parity, time (CPT) invariance at...
"The HEATES collaboration has been studying exotic atoms using an innovative X-ray detector known as “an array of superconducting Transition-Edge Sensor (TES) microcalorimeter” which has both excellent energy resolution and collection efficiency. Three experimental results on the kaonic and muonic atom studies have been published over the past few years [1-3], and a new challenging experiment...
"Muon precision measurements are one of the powerful probes in the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. As an example, muon anomalous magnetic moment (g-2) measurements show a discrepancy between the Standard Model prediction and experimental values, which is considered to be a sign of new physics. In standard muon precision measurements, muons were either...
"The conversion from muonium (Mu, μ+e-) to anti-muonium (antiMu, μ-e+) is strongly suppressed in the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics because it violates the conservation of the leptonic family number. In many theories of SM extension, leptonic family numbers (lepton flavors) are not conserved and then the Mu-antiMu conversion can become observable level, just below the current...
"We investigate the Space time evolution of the lepton number densities.
The formulation is constructed as the time evolution of a lepton family number density operator.
The expectation value of the density operator is evaluated for the initial state with a Gaussian distribution for the momentum amplitude.
This enables us to study wave-packet-like decoherence effects.
We show in the...
"Coherent phenomena have potential applications in fundamental physics. We have proposed neutrino mass spectroscopy using atomic targets, by utilizing the “coherence-amplification” of the weak neutrino-emission process. I will mainly report on recent activity on coherence-related proposals and experiments using the doped ion in crystals [1,2], and some related topics.
[1] H. Hara, J. Han et...