Takashi/貴士 Hisatomi/久冨
(Kyushu University/九州大学)
The intranuclear cascade model has been improved for calculating proton-induced reactions; the calculation results near 0 degrees remain unsatisfactory. It is known that several types of giant resonances exist near 0 degrees. In this study, giant resonances were incorporated, and comparisons with experimental data were conducted to examine mass and energy dependencies. The experimental data includes the double differential cross-section for the reactions, for example, $^{208}$Pb(p,n) at 78 MeV and $^{208}$Pb(p,p’) at 295 MeV. As a result, good agreement was achieved.
Primary author
Takashi/貴士 Hisatomi/久冨
(Kyushu University/九州大学)
Toshimasa/稔将 Furuta/古田
(Kyushu University/九州大学)
Yuji/雄司 Yamaguchi/山口
Yusuke/裕介 Uozumi/魚住
(Kyushu University/九州大学)