Nov 14 – 15, 2024
熊取交流センター すまいるズ 煉瓦館
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Decay branching ratios of $^{197m}$Hg and $^{195m}$Hg determined by decay curve analysis/崩壊曲線分析による$^{197m}$Hg と $^{195m}$Hgの崩壊分岐比の決定

Nov 14, 2024, 4:00 PM
熊取交流センター すまいるズ 煉瓦館

熊取交流センター すまいるズ 煉瓦館



Naohiko/直彦 Otuka/大塚 (IAEA/国際原子力機関)


We studied the decay branching ratios of $^{197m}$Hg (24 h) and $^{195m}$Hg (42 h) by offline $\gamma$-ray spectroscopy of a natural platinum foil irradiated by $\alpha$-particles at 29 MeV. We observed strong cooling time dependence in the isomeric ratios of $^{197}$Hg and $^{195}$Hg determined by the conventional activation cross section formula. To eliminate the cooling time dependence, we performed decay curve analysis with the decay branching ratios of these metastable states as adjustable parameters assuming that the isomeric ratios do not depend on the cooling time. We resolved the time dependence by adjusting the isomeric transition branching ratios to 94.5$\pm$0.7% and 48.9$\pm$1.8% for $^{197m}$Hg and $^{195m}$Hg , respectively. The $^{197m}$Hg decay branching ratio obtained by us is very close to 94.68$\pm$0.09% published by Lebeda et al. in 2020 [1].

[1] O. Lebeda, F.G. Kondev, J. Cervenak, “Branching ratio and $\gamma$-ray emission probabilities in the decay of the J$^{\pi}$=13/2$^+$ isomer in $^{197}$Hg”, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A Accelerat. Spectrom. Detect. Assoc. Equip. 959, (2020), 163481.

Primary author

Naohiko/直彦 Otuka/大塚 (IAEA/国際原子力機関)


Hiromitsu/宏光 Haba/羽場 (RIKEN/理化学研究所) Msayuki/正幸 Aikawa/合川 (Hokkaido University/北海道大学) Sandor/シャンドア Takacs/タカーチ (HUN-REN ATOMKI/HUN-REN原子核研究所) Shuichiro/修一郎 Ebata/江幡 (Saitama University/埼玉大学)

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