Nov 14 – 15, 2024
熊取交流センター すまいるズ 煉瓦館
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Measurement of residual nuclei with active-target TPCs and Si detectors/アクティブ標的TPCおよびSi半導体検出器を用いた残留核の測定

Nov 15, 2024, 3:30 PM
熊取交流センター すまいるズ 煉瓦館

熊取交流センター すまいるズ 煉瓦館



Takahiro/貴裕 Kawabata/川畑 (Osaka University/大阪大学)


Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) and silicon (Si) semiconductor detectors are useful to examine residual nuclei in nuclear reaction.
We developed MAIKo and MAIKo+, which are TPC-based active target systems [1]. They enable tracking of low-energy charged particles over a large solid angle by using gas as both the detection medium and target. We utilize them to study triple-alpha reaction, which is one of the most important in nucleosynthesis in the universe. We inject a neutron beam into the MAIKo(+) active targets filled with a detection gas containing carbon, and measure 3 alpha particles emitted from excited states of residual carbon nuclei. A test measurement was conducted at the OKTAVIAN neutron beam facility in Osaka University, and it showed significant potential to measure residual nuclei in nuclear reactions [2].
We also developed a Si detector array SAKRA to detect decay particles from residual nuclei. It has particle-identification capabilities via pulse shape analysis. We demonstrated that SAKRA is capable to distinguish protons from alpha particles at E > 2 MeV and alpha particles from carbon nuclei at E > 5 MeV, and useful to examine decay processes of residual nuclei and to clarify their internal structures. We employed SAKRA to search for alpha cluster states in $^{24}$Mg [3].
In this talk, we will report the performance of MAIKo(+) and SAKRA, and present their application in our recent experimental works.

[1]. T. Furuno, T. Kawabata ${\it{et\,al}}$., “Performance test of the MAIKo active target”, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A $\bf 908$, 215 (2018).
[2]. T. Furuno ${\it{et\,al}}$., “Measurement of $^{12}$C($n,n’$) reaction cross section to determine triple-alpha reaction rate in high-density environments”, EPJ Web of Conf. $\bf 260$, 11010 (2022).
[3]. Y. Fujikawa, T. Kawabata ${\it{et\,al}}$., “Search for the 6$\alpha$ condensed state in $^{24}$Mg using the $^{12}$C + $^{12}$C scattering”, Phys. Lett. B $\bf 848$, 138384 (2023).

Primary author

Takahiro/貴裕 Kawabata/川畑 (Osaka University/大阪大学)


Kohsuke/公亮 Sakanashi/坂梨 (Osaka University/大阪大学) Satoshi/智 Adachi/足立 (Tohoku University/東北大学) Tatsuya/達也 Furuno/古野 (Osaka University/大阪大学) Yifan/益帆 Lin/林 (Osaka University/大阪大学) Yuki/祐輝 Fujikawa/藤川 (Osaka University/大阪大学)

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