To realize a decarbonized society, various organizations are developing small modular reactors and micro-reactors [1]. Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions has been developing a MoveluX$^{\mathrm{TM}}$ reactor system with 10 MWt and 3-4 MWe power output. The MoveluX$^{\mathrm{TM}}$ core uses less than 5% LEU as the nuclear fuel. Furthermore, calcium hydride (CaH$_2$) is also used as the...
Thermal neutron scattering law (TSL) is one of the important nuclear data that affect reactor characteristics such as criticality in the core design of thermal reactors. TSL describes neutron scattering due to atomic and molecular dynamics within materials. Evaluated nuclear data files include the latest TSLs, which were derived by molecular dynamics calculations [1]. The derived TSLs are...
This talk will introduce and discuss the current status and issues of the evaluation of thermal scattering laws (TSL) in the development of the Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library, JENDL.
In thermal neutron reactors, the TSL of the moderator has a significant impact on core calculations. In the JENDL series, the latest version, JENDL-5, is the first to include an original evaluation of...