Jan 21 – 23, 2019
Asia/Tokyo timezone

The workshop on the advanced superconducting magnets for accelerator science.
The advanced superconducting materials used for those magnets will be also discussed.

Program Committee:
Toru Ogitsu, KEK (Chair)
Naoyuki Amemiya, Kyoto University
Satoshi Awaji, Tohoku University
Tatsushi Nakamoto, KEK
Ken-ichi Sasaki,KEK

Chuanbing Cai, Shanghai University
Jie Gao, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yanwei Ma, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Qingjin Xu, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences(Co-Chair)
Yutaka Yamada, Shanghai Superconductor Co. Ltd.
Xiaorong Wang, LBNL
Amalia Ballarino, CERN
Arnaud Devred, CERN


Local Organizing Committee:
Junji Urakawa
Toru Ogitsu
Tatsutoshi Nakamoto
Ken-ichi Sasaki
Sachiko Arimoto
Ritsuko Ota



The Contents of this Website will be open only for 6 months.

After July 21, 2019, each presentation file will NOT be able to downloaded.



Toru Ogitsu, Professor, Head of Cryogenics Science Center, KEK



Administrative support:

Ritsuko Ota and Sachiko Arimoto

+81 29 879 6212

