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24–26 Jun 2019
Bunkyo School Building, Tokyo Campus, University of Tsukuba
Japan timezone

Lattice field theory with torsion

24 Jun 2019, 17:00
122 (Bunkyo School Building, Tokyo Campus, University of Tsukuba)


Bunkyo School Building, Tokyo Campus, University of Tsukuba

3-29-1 Otsuka Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 112-0012 Japan
Board: 10


Mr Shota Imaki (The University of Tokyo)


We formulate lattice field theory with dislocation. The dislocation realizes the spacetime torsion in the continuum limit. As the first application, we perform the numerical computation to analyze the generation of the current induced by the screw dislocation, which we call the “chiral torsional effect”.

Primary author

Mr Shota Imaki (The University of Tokyo)

Presentation materials

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