5:00 PM
Nonrelativistic Nambu-Goldstone modes of generalized global symmetries and new dynamic critical phenomena in QCD
Noriyuki Sogabe
(Keio University)
5:00 PM
Instability toward the chiral inhomogeneous phase with the functional renormalization
Takeru Yokota
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
5:00 PM
String confinement in 2-form lattice gauge theory
Tomoya Hayata
5:00 PM
Phase transitions in matrix models
Enrico Rinaldi
5:00 PM
Exploring the QCD phase diagram via reweighting from isospin chemical potential
Sebastian Schmalzbauer
(ITP, Goethe University)
5:00 PM
Confinement/deconfinement phase transition for quarks in the higher representation in view of dual superconductivity
Akihiro Shibata
(Computing Research Center, KEK)
5:00 PM
The Schwinger mechanism with perturbative electric fields
Hidetoshi Taya
(Fudan University)
5:00 PM
Ginzburg-Landau theory for neutron 3P2 superfluidity in neutron stars
Shigehiro Yasui
(Keio University)
5:00 PM
Shear viscosity of classical fields in Yang-Mills theory
Hidefumi Matsuda
(Graduate school of science, Kyoto university)
5:00 PM
Complex poles and spectral function of the Landau gauge gluon propagator: effects of quark flavors
Yui Hayashi
(Chiba University)
5:00 PM
Gluon propagator in two-color dense QCD: Massive Yang-Mills approach
Daiki Suenaga
(Central China Normal University)
5:00 PM
Lattice field theory with torsion
Shota Imaki
(The University of Tokyo)
5:00 PM
Order of the color superconducting phase transition
Gergely Fejos
(Keio University)
5:00 PM
Center symmetry and the sign problem of finite density lattice gauge theory
Shinji Ejiri
(Niigata University)
5:00 PM
Relation between chirality imbalance and fermion pair-production under the parallel electromagnetic field
Hayato Aoi
(Tokyo University of Science)
5:00 PM
Chiral soliton lattice in dense matter under rotation
Kentaro Nishimura
(Keio University)
5:00 PM
On the multiple thimbles decomposition for the Thirring model
Kevin Zambello
(University of Parma and INFN, Gruppo Collegato di Parma)
5:00 PM
Thermal Quarkonium Mass Shift from Euclidean Correlators
Alexander Maximilian Eller
(TU Darmstadt)
5:00 PM
Thermodynamic properties of QGP at the physical point with the gradient flow method.
Kazuyuki Kanaya
(Tomonaga Center for the History of the Universe, University of Tsukuba)
5:00 PM
QCD Topology to High Temperatures via Improved Reweighting
P. Thomas Jahn
(Technische Universität Darmstadt)
5:00 PM
Universal scaling of conserved charge in the stochastic diffusion dynamics
Shanjin Wu
(Peking University)
5:00 PM
Linked cluster expansion method for the SU(3) spin models
Anh Quang Pham
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
5:00 PM
Catalytic effects of QCD monopoles on the phase transitions
Masayasu Hasegawa
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
5:00 PM
Quark mass generation by monopole condensation
Aiichi Iwazaki
(Nishogakusha University)
5:00 PM
Measuring chiral susceptibility using gradient flow
Atsushi Baba
(University of Tsukuba)
5:00 PM
The sign problem and the Lefschetz thimbles in two dimensional Hubbard model
Semeon Valgushev
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5:00 PM
Anomalous Casimir effect in axion electrodynamics
Zebin Qiu
(University of Tokyo)
5:00 PM
Quarkonium suppression in streaming quark-gluon plasma
Zhandos Moldabekov
(Al Farabi Kazakh National University)
5:00 PM
Logarithms in perturbation theory -- NNNLO pressure of cold and dense QCD
Matias Sappi
(University of Helsinki)
5:00 PM
Applicability of the complex Langevin method to QCD at finite density
Shoichiro Tsutsui
5:00 PM
Dyon in pure SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with a gauge-invariant mass toward confinement-deconfinement phase transition
Shogo Nishino
(Chiba University)
5:00 PM
Chiral kinetic theory in curved spacetime
Kazuya Mameda
5:00 PM
Bulk quantities in nuclear collisions from Color Glass Condensate and hybrid hydrodynamic simulations
Andre Veiga Giannini
(Akita International University and University of Sao Paulo)
5:00 PM
Topological susceptibility of two-color QCD at low temperature and high density
Etsuko Itou
(Keio University)
5:00 PM
Heavy quark spectral and transport properties from lattice QCD
Olaf Kaczmarek
(University of Bielefeld)
5:00 PM
Partial deconfinement
Hiromasa Watanabe
(University of Tsukuba)
5:00 PM
Extracting equation of state from neutron star observation using machine learning
Yuki Fujimoto
(The University of Tokyo)