3:00 PM
From 3d dualities to hadron physics
Naoto Kan
3:00 PM
Complex Langevin simulation of the Lorentzian type IIB matrix model
3:00 PM
Unitary matrix model with the logarithmic potential
3:00 PM
Tricritical point and non-equilibrium phase transition in gauge gravity duality
Masataka Matsumoto
3:00 PM
Double field inflation of generalized dilaton-axion models with a new Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) term
Ping Kwan Man
3:00 PM
How information geometry is encoded in bulk geometry
Kazushi Yamashiro
3:00 PM
Complex Langevin Simulation of 2D U(1) gauge theory with a theta term
Akira Matsumoto
3:00 PM
Superconformal index and supersymmetry enhancement of S-fold theories
Reona Arai
3:00 PM
Cubic vertices for massless higher spin gauge fields in AdS spaces
Haruya Suzuki
3:00 PM
Dynamics of Revolving D-Branes at Short Distances
Hikaru Ohta
3:00 PM
Finite N corrections to the superconformal index of toric quiver gauge theories
Tatsuya Mori
3:00 PM
Instability of Higgs Vacuum via String Cloud
Issei Koga
3:00 PM
Higher spin symmetry in the IIB matrix model with the operator interpretation
Katsuta Sakai
3:00 PM
D3-brane analysis for the superconformal index in orbifold quiver gauge theories
Shota Fujiwara
3:00 PM
Cancellation of one-loop corrections to scalar masses in Yang-Mills theory with flux compactification
Takuya Hirose
3:00 PM
Application of the tensor renormalization group method to non-Abelian lattice gauge theories
Atis Yosprakob
3:00 PM
On UV-finiteness of supersymmetric gradient flow in N=1 SQCD
Mitsuyo Suzuki
3:00 PM
Complex poles and spectral functions of Landau gauge QCD and QCD-like theories
Yui Hayashi
3:00 PM
Infrared renormalon in the supersymmetric $\mathbb{C}P^{N-1}$ model on $\mathbb{R}\times S^1$
Okuto Morikawa
3:00 PM
A possible solution to the black hole puzzle in semi-classical gravity
Takeshi Morita
3:00 PM
TT-bar deformation in large N limit
Junichi Haruna
3:00 PM
Localization of gauge field on 3-branes and Higgs mechanism
Masaki Kawaguchi
3:00 PM
Sign flip triangulation of the 1-loop NMHV amplituhedron
Ryota Kojima
3:00 PM
Entropy generation and decay of the cosmological constant in Liouville gravity
Kitamoto Hiroyuki
3:00 PM
Emergent quantum spacetime from stochastic processes of matrix models
Nobuyuki Matsumoto