We will present results on the second order fluctuations of net baryon number, electric charge and strangeness as well as correlations among these conserved charges in (2+1)-flavor lattice QCD in the presence of a background magnetic field.
Simulations are performed using the tree level improved gauge action and the highly improved staggered quark
(HISQ) action with a fixed scale approach ($a$=0.117 fm). The light quark mass is set to be 1/10 of the physical strange quark mass and the corresponding pion mass is about 220 MeV at vanishing magnetic field. At zero temperature the simulations are performed on $32^3\times96$ lattices while at nonzero temperature on $32^3\times N_\tau$ lattices having six values of $N_\tau$ varying from 16 to 6 corresponding to temperature ranging from 105 MeV to 280 MeV. The magnetic field strength $eB$ is simulated with about 15 different values up to 3.5 GeV$^2$ at each temperature. Chiral condensates and disconnected susceptibilities as a function of $eB$ are also discussed.