4:00 PM
[P01] 241Am Neutron Capture Cross Section Measurement and Resonance Analysis
Gerard Rovira Leveroni
4:00 PM
[P04] The optical potential for neutron-nucleus scattering derived by Bayesian optimization
Shoto Watanabe
4:00 PM
[P05] Small-angle scattering measurements for cement paste samples using X-rays and neutrons in Hokkaido University
Kaoru Hara
(Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University)
4:00 PM
[P15] Study on JQMD and INCL models for α particle incident neutron production
(Kyushu University, RIKEN Nishina Center)
4:00 PM
[P03] Estimation of fission fragment yields using random-walk models on microscopic mean-field potentials
Kazuki Fujio
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
4:00 PM
[P06] Design of a new shadow bar to improve the accuracy of benchmark experiments of large-angle elastic scattering reaction cross sections by 14MeV neutrons
Kazuki Fukui
(Osaka University)
4:00 PM
[P07] Problem on gammas emitted in capture reaction of TENDL-2019 and JEFF-3.3
Chikara Konno
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
4:00 PM
[P09] TOF measurement of neutron capture cross section of Re-185 in keV region
Yaoki Sato
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
4:00 PM
[P16] Theoretical Evaluation of neutron thermal scattering laws of heavy water for JENDL-5
Akira Ichihara
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
4:00 PM
[P08] Measurement of 107-MeV proton-induced double-differential neutron yields for iron for research and development of accelerator-driven systems
Hiroki Iwamoto
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
4:00 PM
[P10] Benchmark Experiment for Large Angle Scattering Cross Sections for Tungsten with 14 MeV Neutrons
Sota Araki
(Osaka university)
4:00 PM
[P02] Development of a method for calculating displacement damage dose of semiconductors by space radiation using PHITS code
Yosuke Iwamoto
4:00 PM
[P18] Formulation of a shell–cluster overlap integral with the Gaussian expansion method
Riu Nakamoto
(Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Kansai University)
4:00 PM
[P11] Energy dependence of total kinetic energy of fission fragments for the standard and superlong modes analyzed separately by 4D Langevin model
Kazuya Shimada
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
4:00 PM
[P17] Study of thermal scattering law of hydrogen in water with analysis of TCA critical experiments
4:00 PM
[P20] Measurement of natIn(g, xn) reaction cross sections with the 63 MeV bremsstrahlung
Ayano Makinaga
4:00 PM
[P14] Development of counter telescopes for light charged particles emitted from muon nuclear reaction on Si
Hiroya Fukuda
(Kyushu University)
4:00 PM
[P12] Development of activation detector for ultra-long term DT neutron irradiation
Yoshihide Iwanaka
(Osaka University)
4:00 PM
[P13] Semi-empirical nuclear fission yield model for astronomical use based on the four-dimensional Langevin approach
Chikako Ishizuka
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
4:00 PM
[P19] Design of real-time absolute epi-thermal neutron flux intensity monitor with LiCaF detector
Daisuke Hatano
(Osaka University)
4:00 PM
[P21] Shielding design for 3 GeV next generation synchrotron radiation facility
Hiroki Matsuda
4:00 PM
[P22] Design and Construction of Epi-thermal Neutron Field with a Am-Be Source for Basic Researches for BNCT
Takahiro Hirayama
(Graduate school of Engineering, Osaka University)
4:00 PM
[P23] Visualization of nuclear data used in PHITS and utilization of a tool to convert EXFOR to PHITS-readable format
Naoya Furutachi
(Research organization for information science and technology)