2:00 PM
A new era of experimental studies on the $\overline{\rm{K}}$N interaction.
Oton Vazquez Doce
(INFN (Frascati))
2:01 PM
Online event selection and GPU-based waveform compression for the High Level Trigger of the KOTO experiment
Mario Gonzalez
(Osaka University)
2:02 PM
Measurement of residual mu+ polarization in various scintillating materials to search for T-violating mu+ polarization in K+ -> pi0 mu+ nu decay
Keito Horie
(Osaka University)
2:04 PM
A three-dimensional sampling electromagnetic calorimeter for the KOTO2 experiment with the future extension of J-PARC Hadron Facility
YoungJun Kim
(Korea University)
2:05 PM
Development of a PMT base used for an in-beam charged particle detector for the J-PARC KOTO experiment
Ayumu Kitagawa
(Osaka University)
2:06 PM
Estimation of Hadron shower background in KOTO 2019 - 2021 data
Katsushige Kotera
(Osaka University)
2:07 PM
Effect of low-energy neutrons on accidental counting rate in the KOTO experiment
Toru Matsumura
(National Defense Academy of Japan)
2:08 PM
Heavy New Physics in Rare Kaon Decays
Ulserik Moldanazarova
(Karaganda Buketov University)
2:09 PM
Effective theory for universal seesaw model ,FCNC and CP violation
Takuya Morozumi
(Hiroshima University)
2:10 PM
Evidence for the Chiral WZW anomaly in the coherent production of ($K^+\pi^0$)-system by $K^+$ beam on copper nuclei.
Vladimir Obraztsov
(Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP), Protvino)
2:11 PM
Thin scintillation counter with a new readout method for the KOTO experiment
Keita Ono
(Osaka University)
2:12 PM
Study of Weak Basis Invariant in the Universal Seesaw Model using Hilbert Series
Albertus Panuluh
(Hiroshima University)
2:13 PM
Nuclear resonance effects in kaonic atoms
Luca De Paolis
(Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - INFN)
2:14 PM
Data Acquisition System Upgrade at KOTO
Joseph Redeker
(University of Chicago)
2:15 PM
Reduction of charged kaon background in the KOTO experiment
Ryota Shiraishi
(Osaka University)
2:16 PM
Baryon number violation from confining New Physics
Mathew Thomas
(Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram)
2:17 PM
Investigating the Strong Interaction with Kaonic Atoms - The SIDDHARTA-2 Experiment
Marlene Tuechler
(Stefan Meyer Institute)
2:18 PM
Analysis Techniques for Neutron Background Suppression at KOTO.
(National Taiwan University)
2:19 PM
$K_{L}^{0}\rightarrow\gamma+dark\:photon(\bar\gamma)$ Search at the J-PARC KOTO Experiment
Tong Wu
(National Taiwan University)