Service Unavailable: Maintenance for System Migration : Fri, 23rd Aug 09:00-13:00, 2024(JST)

This topical two-day mini-workshop is a follow-up workshop after the eeFACT2022 for scientists working on various projects to discuss impedance modeling and impedance effects at circular accelerators, including colliders SuperKEKB, FCC-ee, CEPC, EIC, and light sources ESRF, NSLS-II, etc.

The event will take place at KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, from 15 to 16 December 2022 in a hybrid in-person and online participation format.

Workshop organization committee:

D. Zhou, T. Ishibashi (KEK, Japan)

M. Migliorati (UNIROMA1, Italy)

N. Wang (IHEP, China)

A. Blednykh (BNL, USA)

Video recordings of the presentations:

Meeting room, KEKB control building
Registration for this event is currently open.