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Mini-workshop on impedance modeling and impedance effects at SuperKEKB and future colliders

Meeting room, KEKB control building

This topical two-day mini-workshop is a follow-up workshop after the eeFACT2022 for scientists working on various projects to discuss impedance modeling and impedance effects at circular accelerators, including colliders SuperKEKB, FCC-ee, CEPC, EIC, and light sources ESRF, NSLS-II, etc.

The event will take place at KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, from 15 to 16 December 2022 in a hybrid in-person and online participation format.

Workshop organization committee:

D. Zhou, T. Ishibashi (KEK, Japan)

M. Migliorati (UNIROMA1, Italy)

N. Wang (IHEP, China)

A. Blednykh (BNL, USA)

Video recordings of the presentations:

Impedance mini-workshop 2022
  • Aamna Khan
  • Alexei Blednykh
  • Ali Rajabi
  • Andrii Natochii
  • Demin ZHOU
  • Emanuela carideo
  • Gabriele Bassi
  • Gaku Mitsuka
  • Haruyo Koiso
  • Katsunobu Oide
  • kazuhito ohmi
  • Kodai Matsuoka
  • Lee Carver
  • Makoto Tobiyama
  • Mauro Migliorati
  • Michael Blaskiewicz
  • Mitsuo Kikuchi
  • Na Wang
  • Naoko Iida
  • Naoto Yamamoto
  • Olga Tanaka
  • Prakash Joshi
  • Shalva Bilanishvili
  • Shogo Sakanaka
  • Takashi Yoshimoto
  • Takeshi Nakamura
  • Takuya Ishibashi
  • Viacheslav Kubytskyi
  • Victor Smaluk
  • Yoshihiro Funakoshi
  • Yuan Zhang
  • Yuki Abe
  • Yukiyoshi Ohnishi
  • Yuting Wang
  • Zachary Liptak
  • Thursday, 15 December
    • Thursday morning: Morning session 1

      Join Zoom Meeting
      Meeting ID: 864 7780 3363
      Passcode: 969597

      Conveners: Alexei Blednykh (BNL), Na Wang (IHEP)
      • 1
      • 2
        Generalized Nyquist Criterion for Transverse Stability
        Speaker: Dr Michael Blaskiewicz (BNL)
      • 3
        Coupled-bunch instability for arbitrary multibunch configurations
        Speaker: Dr Gabriele Bassi (BNL)
      • 4
        Impedance modeling and its application to the analysis of the collective effects
        Speaker: Dr Alexei Blednykh (BNL)
      • 10:40
      • 5
        Collimator model & FCC-ee impedance model
        Speaker: Dr Mostafa Behtouei (INFN-LNF)
      • 6
        Resistive wall impedance and incoherent tune shift for elliptical multilayer beam pipe
        Speaker: Yuting Wang (IHEP)
    • Thursday afternoon

      Join Zoom Meeting
      Meeting ID: 864 7780 3363
      Passcode: 969597

      Conveners: Demin ZHOU (KEK), Takuya ISHIBASHI (KEK)
      • 7
        Impedance modeling for SuperKEKB

        There is a follow-up correction to the old results from T. Ishibashi. See the skb_imp_follow1 file for further details.

        Speaker: Takuya ISHIBASHI (KEK)
      • 8
        -1 mode instability at SuperKEKB LER
        Speaker: Prof. Kazuhito Ohmi (KEK)
      • 9
        Development and operation experience of collimators at SuperKEKB
        Speaker: Shinji Terui (KEK)
      • 16:30
      • 10
        Optimization of Belle II background and its impact on collimator settings
        Speaker: Dr Andrii Natochii ( University of Hawaii)
      • 11
        Methods and results of bunch length measurements at SuperKEKB (Canceled)
        Speaker: Dr Gaku Mitsuka (KEK)
  • Friday, 16 December
    • Friday morning

      Join Zoom Meeting
      Meeting ID: 849 6032 6327
      Passcode: 554874

      Conveners: Alexei Blednykh (BNL), Na Wang (IHEP)
      • 12
        Impedance computations and beam-based measurements: A problem of discrepancy
        Speaker: Dr Victor Smalyuk (BNL)
      • 13
        Beam Induced Heating Analysis for the EIC Vacuum Components
        Speaker: Dr Medani Sangroula (BNL)
      • 14
        A cross-check of wakefield simulations by GdfidL and ECHO3D codes
        Speaker: Dr Aamna Khan (BNL)
      • 10:30
      • 15
        Coupled-bunch instability driven by resistive wall impedance at SuperKEKB main rings
        Speaker: Demin ZHOU (KEK)
      • 16
        Fokker-Planck analysis of transverse collective instabilities in electron storage rings (Canceled)
        Speaker: Dr Ryan Lindberg (ANL)
    • Friday afternoon

      Join Zoom Meeting
      Meeting ID: 849 6032 6327
      Passcode: 554874

      Convener: Mauro Migliorati (Univ. Roma1)