High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
Asia/Tokyo timezone
September 3rd, 2024: "List of abstracts", "Presentation guidance" and "Shuttle bus schedule" has been shown under "Abstract submission" and "Important dates" links.
We would gently like to ask you to submit your abstract for ERL2024. The deadline for the submission is June 30th July 19th, 2024.
All contributions to ERL2024 can be managed using JACoW Indico system. Therefore, all authors will need a JACoW account with up-to-date information and all abstracts and proceedings will be submitted ONLY through the JACoW Indico page described below banner. If you do not have the JACoW account yet, please refer to the instructions below.
Please notice that personal registration and fee payment must be completedBEFOREthis submission because you will be required to fill in your "Inquiry Number" of your personal registration.
【Instructions of JACoW account and abstract submission】
1. Check your JACoW account
All submitting authors must own an account within the JACoW Repository, prior to submitting an abstract. JACoW Central Repository login page
If you are unsure whether you already have a JACoW account, pleasecheckand search for your name in the Central Repository: follow the instructions and eventually create an account. Detailed instructions are available at theofficial documentation website (<-- this is written for IPAC but we take same manner for ERL2024).
Before submitting an abstract we suggest that all authors check their personal data in theCentral Repository. It is important that all data like, for example, email address and main affiliation are up-to-date. They will be used in the Indico system for the authors list in contributions and to produce the abstracts booklet and the final proceedings to be published on JACoW. Please ensure that this data is correct at all stages. Do this by clicking on the “Modify Your Profile” link.
2. Login to the ERL2024 Indico system
Now that you have a JACoW account, login to theERL2024 Indico.Be sure to use your JACoW username when logging in and not your email address.
Abstract Title Enter the title of the abstract usingSentence case. Use capitals only where appropriate, as for acronyms orSI units.
For example:The EXP experiment running at 4 GeV
Abstract Content Text should not exceed 1200 characters. Use one or more asterisks (*, **, etc.) to indicate text to be entered in the footnotes field (see below).
Special Characters: Authors are requested toavoidusing Greek symbols, superscripts or subscripts, LaTeX, MarkDown etc. while submitting the abstract. Please enter a text-only abstract here.
Note: Indico will provide a content preview and will badly interpret asterisks as MarkDown commands. This is not a problem and text will appear correct in the Abstract Booklet and proceedings.
Footnotes/Funding Agency Footnotes may not exceed 200 characters, so be judicious and concise in your use of references. Enter footnotes, or publications referenced by the asterisks in the Abstract Text field with a carriage return after each. Enter funding agency information in this field.
Classification of Abstracts (tracks) All contributions are grouped by Main and Sub Classification. Authors are reminded that it is their responsibility to properly classify their abstracts to ensure that, if accepted for presentation, the paper is properly placed within the conference programme. A description of the scope of the classifications is provided to help authors with this task (see theMain and Sub Classifications section).
Entry of Co-authors Please follow thededicated instructions and screenshots to correctly enter all your co-authors.
In brief, only the main (first) author must be present in the “Authors” section of the abstract’s authors list in Indico. All other authors need to be added as “Co-authors”.
It is assumed that the (main/first) author or the one marked as “speaker” (presenter) in Indico would be willing to submit a paper for the conference proceedings. If a person other than the submitting author would present the paper, this should be indicated on this page.
Should a paper be selected for oral presentation, the roleSpeakerwill identify the person that willpresent the contributionin a talk in an oral session.
Otherwise, for papers selected for poster presentation, the roleSpeakerwill identify the person that willpresent the posterduring a poster session.
It is important to remember to enter all co-authors. Failure to do so means they will be excluded from the author index in the proceedings.