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14–15 Mar 2024
Okayama University
Asia/Tokyo timezone

New methods for quantum control of polar molecules for symmetry-violation searches

14 Mar 2024, 09:40
Lecture Hall (OUX)

Lecture Hall



Chi Zhang (California Institute of Technology)


"Precision measurements of time-reversal symmetry violation in molecular systems provide stringent tests of new physics beyond the Standard Model. I will report our experimental progress towards measuring the nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment using polyatomic 173YbOH molecules. In addition, I will present our recent proposals for advancing the quantum control of molecules and thus improving the T-violation searches. These new methods include Rydberg atom-assisted sympathetic slowing and cooling [1], Rydberg atom-assisted quantum logic control and entanglement generation [2], as well as a new quantum entanglement-enhanced measurement protocol [3].

[1] CZ et al., Sympathetic cooling and slowing of molecules with Rydberg atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 033001 (2024)
[2] CZ and M. R. Tarbutt, Quantum Computation in a Hybrid Array of Molecules and Rydberg Atoms, PRX Quantum 3, 030340 (2022)
[3] CZ et al., Quantum-Enhanced Metrology for Molecular Symmetry Violation using Decoherence-Free Subspaces, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 193602 (2023)"

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